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遮罩RCNN OpenVino-C ++ API

[英]Mask RCNN OpenVino - C++ API

I would like to implement a custom image classifier using MaskRCNN. 我想使用MaskRCNN实现自定义图像分类器。

In order to increase the speed of the network, i would like to optimise the inference. 为了提高网络速度,我想优化推理。

I already used OpenCV DNN library, but i would like to do a step forward with OpenVINO. 我已经使用过OpenCV DNN库,但是我想使用OpenVINO向前迈出一步。

I used successfully OpenVINO Model optimiser (python), to build the .xml and .bin file representing my network. 我成功地使用OpenVINO模型优化器(python)构建了代表我的网络的.xml和.bin文件。

I successfully builded OpenVINO Sample directory with Visual Studio 2017 and run MaskRCNNDemo project. 我使用Visual Studio 2017成功构建了OpenVINO Sample目录并运行MaskRCNNDemo项目。

mask_rcnn_demo.exe -m .\Release\frozen_inference_graph.xml -i .\Release\input.jpg

        API version ............ 1.4
        Build .................. 19154
[ INFO ] Parsing input parameters
[ INFO ] Files were added: 1
[ INFO ]     .\Release\input.jpg
[ INFO ] Loading plugin

        API version ............ 1.5
        Build .................. win_20181005
        Description ....... MKLDNNPlugin
[ INFO ] Loading network files
[ INFO ] Preparing input blobs
[ WARNING ] Image is resized from (4288, 2848) to (800, 800)
[ INFO ] Batch size is 1
[ INFO ] Preparing output blobs
[ INFO ] Loading model to the plugin
[ INFO ] Start inference (1 iterations)

Average running time of one iteration: 2593.81 ms

[ INFO ] Processing output blobs
[ INFO ] Detected class 16 with probability 0.986519: [2043.3, 1104.9], [2412.87, 1436.52]
[ INFO ] Image out.png created!
[ INFO ] Execution successful


Then i tried to reproduce this project in a separate project... First i had to watch dependancies... 然后,我尝试在一个单独的项目中重现该项目。首先,我不得不观察依赖关系。

     <format_reader/>    => Open CV Images, resize it and get uchar data
     <ie_cpu_extension/> => CPU extension for un-managed layers (?)

     format_reader.lib         => Format Reader Lib (VINO Samples Compiled)
     cpu_extension.lib         => CPU extension Lib (VINO Samples Compiled)
     inference_engined.lib     => Inference Engine lib (VINO)
     opencv_world401d.lib      => OpenCV Lib
     libiomp5md.lib            => Dependancy
     ... (other libs)

With it i've build a new project, with my own classes and way to open images (multiframe tiff). 有了它,我就建立了一个新项目,有了自己的类和打开图像的方式(多帧tiff)。 This work without problem then i will not describe (i use with a CV DNN inference engine without problem). 这项工作没有问题,那么我将不再描述(我与CV DNN推理引擎一起使用没有问题)。

I wanted to build the same project than MaskRCNNDemo : CustomIA 我想构建与MaskRCNNDemo相同的项目:CustomIA

     None => I use my own libtiff way to open image and i resize with OpenCV
     None => I will just add include to cpu_extension source code.

     opencv_world345d.lib   => OpenCV 3.4.5 library
     tiffd.lib              => Libtiff Library
     cpu_extension.lib      => CPU extension compiled with sample
     inference_engined.lib  => Inference engine lib.

I added the following dll to the project target dir : 我将以下dll添加到项目目标目录:


I successfully compiled and execute but i faced two issues : 我成功编译并执行,但是遇到两个问题:

OLD CODE: 旧代码:

 slog::info << "Loading plugin" << slog::endl;
    InferencePlugin plugin = PluginDispatcher({ FLAGS_pp, "../../../lib/intel64" , "" }).getPluginByDevice(FLAGS_d);

    /** Loading default extensions **/
    if (FLAGS_d.find("CPU") != std::string::npos) {
         * cpu_extensions library is compiled from "extension" folder containing
         * custom MKLDNNPlugin layer implementations. These layers are not supported
         * by mkldnn, but they can be useful for inferring custom topologies.
    /** Printing plugin version **/
    printPluginVersion(plugin, std::cout);

OUTPUT : 输出:

[ INFO ] Loading plugin
    API version ............ 1.5
    Build .................. win_20181005
    Description ....... MKLDNNPlugin

NEW CODE: 新代码:

    // Loading Plugin
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "[INFO] - Loading VINO Plugin..." << std::endl;
    this->plugin= PluginDispatcher({ "", "../../../lib/intel64" , "" }).getPluginByDevice("CPU");
    printPluginVersion(this->plugin, std::cout);

OUTPUT : 输出:

[INFO] - Loading VINO Plugin...
000001A242280A18  // Like memory adress ???

Second Issue : 第二期:

When i try to extract my ROI and masks from New Code, if i have a "match", i always have : 当我尝试从新代码中提取投资回报率和蒙版时,如果我有一个“匹配项”,我总是会:

  • score =1.0 分数= 1.0
  • x1=x2=0.0 X1 = X2 = 0.0
  • y1=y2=1.0 Y1 = Y2 = 1.0

But the mask looks well extracted... 但是面膜看起来很好提取...

New Code : 新代码:

        float score = box_info[2];
        if (score > this->Conf_Threshold)
            // On reconstruit les coordonnées de la box..
            float x1 = std::min(std::max(0.0f, box_info[3] * Image.cols), static_cast<float>(Image.cols));
            float y1 = std::min(std::max(0.0f, box_info[4] * Image.rows), static_cast<float>(Image.rows));
            float x2 = std::min(std::max(0.0f, box_info[5] * Image.cols), static_cast<float>(Image.cols));
            float y2 = std::min(std::max(0.0f, box_info[6] * Image.rows), static_cast<float>(Image.rows));
            int box_width = std::min(static_cast<int>(std::max(0.0f, x2 - x1)), Image.cols);
            int box_height = std::min(static_cast<int>(std::max(0.0f, y2 - y1)), Image.rows);


Image is resized from (4288, 2848) to (800, 800)
Detected class 62 with probability 1: [4288, 0], [4288, 0]

Then it is impossible for me to place the mask in the image and resize it while i don't have correct bbox coordinate... 然后当我没有正确的bbox坐标时,我不可能将蒙版放置在图像中并调整其大小...

Do anybody have an idea about what i make badly ? 有人对我做得不好有想法吗?

How to create and link correctly an OpenVINO project using cpu_extension ? 如何使用cpu_extension正确创建和链接OpenVINO项目?

Thanks ! 谢谢 !

First issue with version: look above printPluginVersion function, you will see overloaded std::ostream operators for InferenceEngine and plugin version info. 版本的第一个问题:在printPluginVersion函数上方,您将看到InferenceEngine和插件版本信息的重载std :: ostream运算符。

Second: You can try to debug your model by comparing output after very first convolution and output layer for original framework and OV. 第二:您可以尝试通过对原始框架和OV进行第一个卷积和输出层比较后的输出来调试模型。 Make sure it's equal element by element. 确保每个元素都相等。

In OV you can use network.addOutput("layer_name") to add any layer to output. 在OV中,您可以使用network.addOutput(“ layer_name”)将任何图层添加到输出中。 Then read output by using: const Blob::Ptr debug_blob = infer_request.GetBlob("layer_name"). 然后使用以下命令读取输出:const Blob :: Ptr debug_blob = infer_request.GetBlob(“ layer_name”)。

Most of the time with issues like this i finding missing of input pre-processing (mean, normalization, etc.) 大多数时候,我会遇到诸如此类的问题,我发现缺少输入预处理(均值,规范化等)。

cpu_extensions is a dynamic library, but you still can change cmake script to make it static and link it with your application. cpu_extensions是一个动态库,但是您仍然可以更改cmake脚本以使其静态并与应用程序链接。 After that you would need to use your application path with call to IExtensionPtr extension_ptr = make_so_pointer(argv[0]) 之后,您需要将应用程序路径与对IExtensionPtr的调用一起使用extension_ptr = make_so_pointer(argv [0])

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