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[英]Data from neo4j is not loading properly in yEd

I have exported the data from neo4j database into graphml file and loaded it into yEd live. 我已经将数据从neo4j数据库导出到graphml文件中,并将其加载到yEd live中。 The data got loaded but I am not getting the names on the nodes. 数据已加载,但是我没有在节点上获得名称。

Below is the code used to export the data. 以下是用于导出数据的代码。

call apoc.export.graphml.query("MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-(m) RETURN 
n,r,m LIMIT 20 ","data5.graphml",{})

below is the entry in the graphml file for node. 以下是graphml文件中该节点的条目。

<node id="n0" labels=":Entity"><data key="labels">:Entity</data><data 

This is the data how it looks like in neo4j visualization. 这就是neo4j可视化中的数据。


Below is how it is in the yEd live. 以下是yEd live中的情况。 yEd可视化未显示节点名称

How can I get the names on nodes in yEd as well like I am getting in the neo4j default visualization. 如何获得yEd中节点上的名称,以及获得neo4j默认可视化效果的方式。

A most basic GraphML for yEd Live with a node and a node label looks like this: yEd Live最基本的GraphML,带有一个节点和一个节点标签,如下所示:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<graphml xsi:schemaLocation="http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns http://www.yworks.com/xml/schema/graphml.html/2.0/ygraphml.xsd " 
  <key id="labels" for="node" attr.name="NodeLabels" y:attr.uri="http://www.yworks.com/xml/yfiles-common/2.0/NodeLabels"/>
    <node id="n0">
      <data key="labels">
            <y:Label.Text>My Label</y:Label.Text>

I can also recommend to use our free online tool Neo4j Explorer . 我还建议您使用我们的免费在线工具Neo4j Explorer You can use it to query a Neo4j database and visualize the results. 您可以使用它查询Neo4j数据库并可视化结果。 Neo4j Explorer can also export GraphMLs that you can open and edit in yEd Live. Neo4j Explorer还可以导出可以在yEd Live中打开和编辑的GraphML。

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