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正则表达式问题(在asp.net MVC5中)

[英]Regular Expression problem (in asp.net MVC5)

hoping someone can point out what I'm missing here with a regular expression. 希望有人可以用正则表达式指出我在这里缺少的内容。

Here is the data item from my model :- 这是我模型中的数据项:

[Display(Name = "Serial to Search")]
public string SerialNo { get; set; }

This should allow me to match a serial that begins with either ABC or WXYZ and has another 8 or 9 characters/numbers. 这应该允许我匹配一个以ABC或WXYZ开头且又有8或9个字符/数字的序列。

In my view I'm using jquery unobtrusive validation and an @Html.ValidationMessageFor control to display errors. 在我看来,我正在使用jQuery非侵入式验证和@ Html.ValidationMessageFor控件来显示错误。

I have tested this on regex101.com using the following test string :- 我已经使用以下测试字符串在regex101.com上进行了测试:


and it passes fine, but in my view I get a validation error, specifically that the string doesn't match the regex requirements. 并顺利通过,但是在我看来,我收到验证错误,特别是该字符串不符合正则表达式要求。 Can anyone see what I'm missing ? 谁能看到我所缺少的吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

regex101.com screenshot regex101.com截图

Your regex matches two type of strings: 1) ABC or 2) WXYZ followed with 8 or 9 word chars. 您的正则表达式匹配两种类型的字符串:1) ABC或2) WXYZ后跟8或9个单词字符。 Remember that RegularExpressionAttribute pattern must match the whole string. 请记住, RegularExpressionAttribute模式必须与整个字符串匹配。 Even if regex101.com shows a match for ABC12 , it won't match in your environment. 即使regex101.com显示与ABC12匹配,在您的环境中也不会匹配。

You need to use a grouping, 您需要使用分组,

^        ^

A non-capturing group would fit even better since you are only validating a string and not using captures later: 一个非捕获组会更好,因为您只验证一个字符串而以后不使用捕获:

^^^        ^

RegularExpressionAttribute searches for an exact match: if the Regex isn't anchored to beginning or end of the string, then RegularExpressionAttribute will effectively do that anchoring for you. RegularExpressionAttribute搜索精确匹配:如果Regex没有锚定在字符串的开头或结尾,那么RegularExpressionAttribute将为您有效地进行锚定。 See the implementation on ReferenceSource . 请参见ReferenceSource上的实现

That is the difference between regex101.com and your test where it fails. 那就是regex101.com和测试失败之间的区别。 If you anchor the regex on regex101.com, as ^ABC|WXYZ\\w{8,9}$ , you will see that it fails. 如果将正则表达式锚定在regex101.com上,如^ABC|WXYZ\\w{8,9}$ ,您将看到它失败。

The reason, as Wiktor Stribiżew pointed out in the comments, is that your regex looks for ABC OR WXYZ\\w{8,9} . 正如WiktorStribiżew在评论中指出的,原因是您的正则表达式会寻找ABCWXYZ\\w{8,9} Neither ^ABC$ nor ^WXYZ\\w{8,9}$ match your test string of ABCGC1000BC5 . ^ABC$^WXYZ\\w{8,9}$都不匹配您的ABCGC1000BC5测试字符串。

Edit: (Please accept Wiktor Stribiżew's answer as the solution. This answer just aims to explain the difference between running it on regex101.com and in ASP.NET). 编辑:(请接受WiktorStribiżew的答案作为解决方案。此答案仅用于解释在regex101.com和ASP.NET中运行它的区别)。

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