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[英]UIPickerView as an inputView of multiple UITextFields

I have three UITextField s in my code and single UIPickerView as in inputView of all text fields. 我的代码中有三个UITextField ,每个文本字段的inputView中都有一个UIPickerView

I want to identify, which text field has invoked/opened UIPickerView, inside the UIPickerViewDelegate method pickerView(_:didSelectRow:inComponent:) . 我想在UIPickerViewDelegate方法pickerView(_:didSelectRow:inComponent :)内确定哪个文本字段已调用/打开了UIPickerView

Here is sample code I've tried: 这是我尝试过的示例代码:

let tf1: UITextField()
let tf2: UITextField()
let tf3: UITextField()
let pcv: UIPickerView()

tf1.inputView = pcv
tf2.inputView = pcv
tf3.inputView = pcv

// Picker view delegate
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {
    if (tf1.isFirstResponder) {
    } else if (tf2.isFirstResponder) {
    } else if (tf3.isFirstResponder) {
    } else {
       print("Any other view")


Is there any other better way to handle this? 还有其他更好的方法来解决这个问题吗?

(Objective C or Swift, any solution) (目标C或Swift,任何解决方案)

on your textfield delegate assign the inputview and tag for your textfield 在您的文本字段委托上为文本字段分配inputview和标签

func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
   textField.inputView = pcv
   pcv.tag =  textField.tag
    return true;

and finally get the tag for pickerview for identify which textfield you tapped. 并最终获得pickerview的标签,以识别您点击了哪个文本字段。

 func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {
        print("pickerView == \(pickerView.tag)")


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