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[英]Why can't I add an event listener to the div?

I have an object, which has a method that creates divs, then assigns them an on-click event, but I also want to assign them an onkeypress event, but it won't let me do it... 我有一个对象,该对象具有创建div的方法,然后为它们分配一个on-click事件,但是我也想为它们分配一个onkeypress事件,但是它不允许我这样做。

This is the method which creates divs. 这是创建div的方法。 It works fine. 工作正常。

    let relatedTagToPopulation = document.getElementById("questionp");
    let whatTextIs = relatedTagToPopulation.textContent;
    for (let u=0;u<this.stemQuestions.length;u++){
        if (this.stemQuestions[u]==whatTextIs){
            var populateSquaresPertinentInt = u;
    for  (let i=0;i<this.stemAnswers.length;i++){
        if (i==populateSquaresPertinentInt){
            let numberOfSquaresToAdd = this.stemAnswers[i].length;
            for (let j=0;j<numberOfSquaresToAdd;j++){
                let elToAdd = document.createElement("div"); 
                elToAdd.onclick= hangmanGame.selectThisSquare;
                let elToAddInto = document.getElementById("answeri"); 

This is the method that adds some properties to the div and also an event listener 这是将一些属性添加到div以及事件监听器的方法

    let currentElementId = e.target.id;
    document.getElementById(currentElementId).style.cursor = "text";
    document.getElementById(currentElementId).style.backgroundColor = "#557a95";
    document.getElementById(currentElementId).onkeydown = hangmanGame.textInputHandler;
    let x = hangmanGame.giveCurrentQuestionAndWord();
    let xs = x[1];

This is the method that is supposed to trigger when the key is pressed, but nothing is triggered. 这是应该在按下键时触发的方法,但是什么也不会触发。


A div by default isn't "selectable" and thus it won't react to any keydown events. 默认情况下, div是“可选”的,因此它不会对任何按键事件做出反应。 However, you can make it selectable by adding tabindex="0" to the div. 但是,您可以通过将div添加tabindex="0"使其变为可选。 This way it will become focusable when you click on it, which then allows the onkeydown event to trigger. 这样,当您单击它时它将变得可聚焦,然后允许onkeydown事件触发。

See working example below: 请参见下面的工作示例:

 const game = { addKeyDownListener() { document.getElementById("txt").onkeydown = game.handleTextInput }, handleTextInput() { console.log(4); } } game.addKeyDownListener(); 
 #txt { height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid black; outline: none; /* add to hide outline */ } 
 <div type="text" id="txt" tabindex="0"></div> 

Note: By default adding a tabindex will give your div a blue outline once selected. 注意:默认情况下,添加tabindex将为您的div选定蓝色轮廓。 To remove this add the css outline: none . 要删除此内容,请添加CSS outline: none

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