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将表从Microsoft SQL Server转换为R中的数据框

[英]Convert table from Microsoft SQL Server to dataframe in R

I am working on a project and would like to connect to a database on MSSQL Server and then get one(or more) of the tables on the database and convert it/them to a dataframe to work in memory, then I will apply some changes to this dataframe and send it back to the MSSQL Server Database. 我正在一个项目上,想连接到MSSQL Server上的数据库,然后获取数据库中的一个(或多个)表并将其/转换为数据帧以在内存中工作,然后我将应用一些更改到此数据帧,然后将其发送回MSSQL Server数据库。

I am able to connect to my database and I know how to send a dataframe to a database but I don't know how to convert the table to a dataframe as the first step. 我能够连接到数据库,并且知道如何将数据帧发送到数据库,但是作为第一步,我不知道如何将表转换为数据帧。

 con <- dbConnect(odbc(), Driver = "SQL Server", Server = "MyServer", Database = "MyDB", Trusted_Connection = "True") 

You can use SQLdf and SQL query as well to get your desired output (to get the data from a database and convert into a dataframe in R) 您还可以使用SQLdf和SQL查询来获得所需的输出(从数据库中获取数据并转换为R中的数据框)


conn <- odbcDriverConnect('driver={SQL Server};server= 

DataSQL <- sqlQuery(conn,"SELECT *  FROM dbo.practicR;"); 


Output: This is the same data in SQL server. 输出:这是SQL Server中的相同数据。

Output 产量

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