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如何将此 if, else if 语句转换为 switch 语句?

[英]How can I convert this if, else if statement to switch-statement?

I'am new to javascript, just gaining the hang of it.我是 javascript 的新手,刚刚掌握了它的窍门。 This code i wrote for a rock, paper, scissors game works.我为石头,纸,剪刀游戏作品编写的这段代码。 It changes color of the picked options, for the user and computer and if it's is a draw, changes it to black.它会为用户和计算机更改所选选项的颜色,如果是平局,则将其更改为黑色。 Just curious to know if it needs refactoring ?只是想知道它是否需要重构? And how to convert it to a switch-statement?以及如何将其转换为 switch 语句?

I just cant get the hang of using switch statement with two arguments like this.我只是无法掌握使用带有两个参数的 switch 语句的窍门。

switch(userChoice, computerChoice){
case userChoice === computerChoice //or 'r' === 'r' :
 //code block

Doesn't seem to work.似乎不起作用。

function changeColor (userChoice, computerChoice) {

// If it's a draw, change color to black circle

if (userChoice === computerChoice) {
    setTimeout( () => {
    }, 1000)

// If not a draw, change user pick to green and computer pick to red

} else if (userChoice === 'r' || 's' || 'p' && computerChoice === 'r' || 's' || 'p' ) {
    setTimeout( () => {
    }, 1000)
    setTimeout( () => {
    }, 1000)

} }

Works well, just curious about refactoring and switch-statement.效果很好,只是对重构和 switch 语句感到好奇。

Usually you should use a switch-case statement for more than 2 cases, but anyway, have a look here:通常你应该对 2 个以上的情况使用 switch-case 语句,但无论如何,看看这里:

 const a = 1 const b = 2 const c = 1 function useSwitch(a,b) { switch (a) { case b: console.log("first case") break case 1: case 5: console.log("second / third case") break } } useSwitch(a,b) useSwitch(a,c) useSwitch(5,b) console.log("======") function useIfElse(a, b) { if (a === b) console.log("first case") else if (a === 1 || a === 5) console.log("second / first case") } useIfElse(a,b) useIfElse(a,c) useIfElse(5,b)

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