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[英]JavaScript: Sort an array of objects by a numeric property in each object

I have a hard time understanding how to use the array.sort() method to sort an array of objects based on a numeric value found in every object. 我很难理解如何使用array.sort()方法根据每个对象中的数值对对象数组进行排序。 Essentially I have a scenario of the following form: 基本上我有以下形式的场景:

var myarray = []
myarray.push({name: "alex", age: 8})
myarray.push({name: "ben", age: 57})
myarray.push({name: "dan", age: 32})

The initial order of the result would be "alex, ben, dan". 结果的初始顺序是“alex,ben,dan”。 Now I want to sort this array by age, so the oldest people are first on the list. 现在我想按年龄对这个数组进行排序,所以最老的人是第一个在列表中。 After sorting the order should be "ben, dan, alex". 排序后的顺序应该是“ben,dan,alex”。 How do I achieve this in the simplest way possible? 我如何以最简单的方式实现这一目标?

You can use destructuring assignment and the .sort method like so: 你可以使用解构赋值.sort方法,如下所示:

 var myarray = [] myarray.push({name: "alex", age: 8}) myarray.push({name: "ben", age: 57}) myarray.push({name: "dan", age: 32}); var res = myarray.sort(({age:a}, {age:b}) => ba); console.log(res); 

Or, if you don't feel comfortable with destructing, you can use regular dot notation to access the age property: 或者,如果您对破坏感觉不舒服,可以使用常规点表示法来访问age属性:

 var myarray = [] myarray.push({name: "alex", age: 8}) myarray.push({name: "ben", age: 57}) myarray.push({name: "dan", age: 32}); var res = myarray.sort((a, b) => b.age-a.age); console.log(res); 

The way .sort works is defined by what you return from the callback function you pass in. If you return: .sort工作方式由您从传入的回调函数返回的内容定义。如果返回:

  • <= -1 then a will come before b . <= -1然后a将在b之前出现。
  • 0 then keep a and b in the same positions 0然后将ab保持在相同的位置
  • >= 1 then b will come before a >= 1然后b将在a之前到来

Thus, by calculating the difference between the two ages, this "naturally" gives the correct values to properly sort your array. 因此,通过计算两个年龄之间的差异,这个“自然”给出了正确的值来正确排序你的数组。

myarray.sort((a,b) => b.age - a.age)

Is the correct answer but nobody has helped with OP's question of having a hard time understanding sort. 是正确的答案,但没有人帮助OP的问题是很难理解排序。 The function you pass into sort is the comparison function that when comparing two elements of the array should return less than 0 for a comes first, 0 if they are equal and greater than 0 for b comes first. 传递给sort的函数是比较函数,当比较数组的两个元素时,对于第一个应该返回小于0,如果它们相等则返回0,对于b首先返回大于0。

I use this default comparer function in my projects 我在我的项目中使用这个默认比较器函数

defaultCompare = (a, b) => (!a && !b ? 0 : !a ? -1 : !b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0);

as undefined, null, NaN and other falsey values can throw a spanner in there on you. as undefined,null,NaN和其他falsey值可以在你身上抛出一个扳手。


myarray.sort((a,b) => b.age - a.age)


myarray.sort(function(a,b){return b.age - a.age})

Detailed description of the sort function can be found here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort 有关sort函数的详细说明,请访问https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort

*Edited to sort in descending order as OP asked *编辑按OP要求按降序排序

Thanks everyone. 感谢大家。 I solved it by using this option: 我使用这个选项解决了它:

data.sort(function(a, b) { return b.score - a.score })

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