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[英]Why doesn't re.sub work in this python2 case?

import re
text = "PO 00000  Frm 00001  Fmt 0624  Sfmt 0634  E:\CR\FM\A07JN6.000  S07JNPT1"
text = re.sub(text, " ", text)


I'm on Python 2.7.15. 我使用的是Python 2.7.15。 The output is PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\\CR\\FM\\A07JN6.000 S07JNPT1 . 输出为PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\\CR\\FM\\A07JN6.000 S07JNPT1 Why doesn't the output become " " ? 为什么输出不变成" "

Looks like you need re.escape 看起来您需要re.escape

Ex: 例如:

import re
text = "PO 00000  Frm 00001  Fmt 0624  Sfmt 0634  E:\CR\FM\A07JN6.000  S07JNPT1"
text = re.sub(re.escape(text), " ", text)


Note: You can also use str.replace for this case. 注意:在这种情况下,您也可以使用str.replace

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