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Google AppEngine获取403禁止尝试更新cron.yaml

[英]Google AppEngine Getting 403 forbidden trying to update cron.yaml

I am following the docs on how to backup datastore using AppEngine. 我正在关注有关如何使用AppEngine 备份数据存储区文档 I am performing a gcloud app deploy cron.yaml command on a GCE VM that is meant to update a cronjob in AppEngine. 我正在GCE VM上执行gcloud app deploy cron.yaml命令,该命令旨在更新AppEngine中的cronjob。 the GCE VM and AppEngine cron are in the same project, and I have granted AppEngine admin to the GCE VM via a default Service Account. GCE VM和AppEngine cron位于同一项目中,并且我已通过默认服务帐户将AppEngine管理员授予GCE VM。 When I run this on my local machine, it updates fine. 当我在本地计算机上运行它时,它会更新正常。 However on the GCE instance, thats where issues arise 但是在GCE实例中,这就是问题所在

Here are the files 这是文件

app.yaml 的app.yaml

runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true
service: cloud-datastore-admin
- name: webapp2
  version: "latest"
- url: /cloud-datastore-export
  script: cloud_datastore_admin.app
  login: admin

cron.yaml cron.yaml

- description: "Daily Cloud Datastore Export"
  url: /cloud-datastore-export?namespace_id=&output_url_prefix=gs://<my-project-id>-bucket
  target: cloud-datastore-admin
  schedule: every 24 hours

cloud_datastore_export.yaml cloud_datastore_export.yaml

import datetime
import httplib
import json
import logging
import webapp2
from google.appengine.api import app_identity
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch

class Export(webapp2.RequestHandler):
  def get(self):
    access_token, _ = app_identity.get_access_token(
    app_id = app_identity.get_application_id()
    timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
    output_url_prefix = self.request.get('output_url_prefix')
    assert output_url_prefix and output_url_prefix.startswith('gs://')
    if '/' not in output_url_prefix[5:]:
      # Only a bucket name has been provided - no prefix or trailing slash
      output_url_prefix += '/' + timestamp
      output_url_prefix += timestamp
    entity_filter = {
        'kinds': self.request.get_all('kind'),
        'namespace_ids': self.request.get_all('namespace_id')
    request = {
        'project_id': app_id,
        'output_url_prefix': output_url_prefix,
        'entity_filter': entity_filter
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token
    url = 'https://datastore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/%s:export' % app_id
      result = urlfetch.fetch(
      if result.status_code == httplib.OK:
      elif result.status_code >= 500:
      self.response.status_int = result.status_code
    except urlfetch.Error:
      logging.exception('Failed to initiate export.')
      self.response.status_int = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(
        ('/cloud-datastore-export', Export),
    ], debug=True)

The Error I'm getting is 我得到的错误是

Configurations to update:
descriptor:      [/usr/local/sbin/pluto/<my-project-id>/datastore/cron.yaml]
type:            [cron jobs]
target project:  [<my-project-id>]
Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  
Updating config [cron]...
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Server responded with code [403]:
  Forbidden Unexpected HTTP status 403.
  You do not have permission to modify this app (app_id=u'e~<my-project-id>').

I have checked other posts related to this, however they seem to deal with an old version/deployment of appengine 我检查了与此相关的其他帖子,但是它们似乎处理的是旧版本/ appengine的部署

Service Accounts! 服务帐号!


Okay after some tinkering. 修修补补后行。 I added the project editor role to the service account linked to the GCE instance running my server. 我将项目编辑者角色添加到了与运行服务器的GCE实例链接的服务帐户中。 I am not fully aware if this is the role with least priviledge to enable this to work. 我不完全知道这是否是拥有最小权限的角色,才能使它正常工作。


From Deploying using IAM roles : 使用IAM角色进行部署

To grant a user account the ability to deploy to App Engine: 要授予用户帐户部署到App Engine的能力,请执行以下操作:

  1. Click Add member to add the user account to the project and then select all of the roles for that account by using the dropdown menu: 单击添加成员以将用户帐户添加到项目中,然后使用下拉菜单选择该帐户的所有角色:

    • Required roles to allow an account to deploy to App Engine: 允许帐户部署到App Engine的必需角色:

      a. 一种。 Set the one of the following roles: 设置以下角色之一:

      • Use the App Engine > App Engine Deployer role to allow the account to deploy a version of an app. 使用“ App Engine”>“ App Engine Deployer”角色可以允许该帐户部署应用程序的版本。
      • To also allow the dos.yaml or dispatch.yaml files to be deployed with an app, use the App Engine > App Engine Admin role instead. 要同时允许将dos.yamldispatch.yaml文件与应用程序一起部署,请改用App Engine> App Engine管理员角色。

      The user account now has adequate permission to use the Admin API to deploy apps . 现在,该用户帐户具有使用Admin API部署应用程序的足够权限。

      b. To allow use of App Engine tooling to deploy apps, you must also give the user account the Storage > Storage Admin role so that the tooling has permission to upload to Cloud Storage . 要允许使用App Engine 工具部署应用程序,您还必须为用户帐户提供Storage> Storage Admin角色,以便该工具有权上传到Cloud Storage

    • Optional . 可选的 Give the user account the following roles to grant permission for uploading additional configuration files: 为用户帐户授予以下角色,以授予上传其他配置文件的权限:

      • Cloud Scheduler > Cloud Scheduler Admin role: Permissions for uploading cron.yaml files. Cloud Scheduler> Cloud Scheduler管理员角色:上传cron.yaml文件的权限。

Potentially of interest: 潜在的兴趣:

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