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我的html代码遇到异常行为。 可能是什么问题?

[英]i am experiencing an unusual behaviour in my html code. what may be the problem?

So i am editing a bootstrap template(it's a free template) for my project. 所以我正在为我的项目编辑引导程序模板(这是一个免费模板)。 I have removed the images and placed my own. 我已删除图像并放置了自己的图像。 but the problem is that my own image doesn't load, instead the previous background image is being displayed. 但问题是我的图像无法加载,而是显示先前的背景图像。 How is this possible ? 这怎么可能 ? that image doesn't have existence and still it's appearing. 该图像不存在,并且仍在显示。 Also previously i intended to do this 我以前也打算这样做

<a href="../index.php" class="btn btn-warning" role="button">Go Back</a>

but then I changed my mind and instead did this 但是后来我改变主意了

<button class="btn btn-warning" onclick="history.go(-1);" role="button">Go Back </button>

the problem again is the same. 问题又是一样的。 the browser won't load the current code, instead it's loading previous code. 浏览器不会加载当前代码,而是加载先前的代码。 i did everything i could, i changed the browser, cleared cache and cookies, rewrote the codes saved it again and again...still won't get the desired result. 我做了我所能做的一切,我改变了浏览器,清除了缓存和cookie,重写了一次又一次保存的代码...仍然无法获得理想的结果。 what is the problem anyway ? 到底是什么问题? i can't figure it out. 我不知道。

Have you tried clearing your chache? 您是否尝试过清理抽油烟机? My advice would be to go into chrome dev tool and there is an option under the newtwork tab disable cache this will ensure you are always getting a fresh version when you have dev tool open. 我的建议是进入chrome dev工具,并且在newtwork选项卡下有一个选项disable cache,这将确保您在打开dev工具时始终能获得新版本。

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