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为什么std :: cin.clear()在这个简单程序中不起作用?

[英]Why doesn't std::cin.clear() work in this simple program?

I was solving some exercises to pass the time, and I encountered a behaviour I didn't understand, I am going to explain: 我正在解决一些打发时间的练习,遇到一种我不了解的行为,我将解释:

The exercise: 练习:

Write a program that reads and stores a series of integers and then computes the sum of the first N integers. 编写一个程序,该程序读取并存储一系列整数,然后计算前N整数的和。 First, ask for N , then read the values into a vector, then calculate the sum of the first N values. 首先,要求N ,然后将值读入向量,然后计算前N值的总和。

Since I asked for N as the second step: 由于我要求N作为第二步:

In the second std::cin ( std::cin >> values_to_compute ) it has to leave the while statement to continue the program, "only possible if" what is read is not a double. 在第二个std::cinstd::cin >> values_to_compute )中,它必须离开while语句才能继续执行程序,“只有在读取的内容不是双std::cin >> values_to_compute才可能。 So I can type, for example; 例如,我可以输入; 'k' or "how are you?" “ k”或“你好吗?” or Ctrl + Z (I am on Windows 10). 或Ctrl + Z键(我在Windows 10上)。

int main() {
    try {
        double holder {0};
        std::vector<double> values;
        while (std::cin >> holder) {
        std::cout << "Out of the loop, now entering to the other std::cin\n";
        int values_to_compute {0};
        std::cin >> values_to_compute;
        std::cout << "Computing...\n";
        double result_computed {0};
        for (int i {0}; i < values_to_compute; ++i) {
            result_computed += values[i];
        std::cout << "Result computed " << result_computed << '\n';

        return 0;
    catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
        std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';

        return 1;

Ok so? 好吧 So... std::cin leaves the while in a not good() state. 所以... std::cin使那一会儿处于std::cin好的状态。 I have to call std::cin.clear() to be able to use std::cin again. 我必须调用std::cin.clear()才能再次使用std::cin

Ok, and? 好吗 Well, if I type Ctrl + Z to exit the while loop, the std::cin.clear() works; 好吧,如果我按Ctrl + Z退出while循环,则std::cin.clear()可以工作; if I type something that is not Ctrl + Z the std::cin.clear() doesn't work. 如果我输入的不是Ctrl + Z,std::cin.clear()不起作用。

I want to know the why of that behaviour. 我想知道为什么这样做。

That's because std::cin::clear clears the error state of cin but it does not remove the data from the stream. 这是因为std::cin::clear清除的错误状态cin ,但它从流中删除数据。 You can use std::cin::ignore() to read and discard a line of text before reading values_to_compute . 在读取values_to_compute之前,可以使用std::cin::ignore()读取和丢弃一行文本。

std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

Make sure to #include <limits> to get std::numeric_limits . 确保#include <limits>以获得std::numeric_limits

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