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[英]Excel-Vba : Code for Applying Formula until Last Row not working

I'm new to VBA so sorry if this seems to be a simple question.如果这似乎是一个简单的问题,我是 VBA 的新手,很抱歉。

I'm trying to create a macro which will formate and include a couple of formulas in a sheet but when I try to include the formula until the last row I get a error "Run Time Error 1004 - Application-Defined or Object Defined Error" at the following code:我正在尝试创建一个宏,它将在工作表中形成并包含几个公式,但是当我尝试将公式包含到最后一行时,我收到错误“运行时错误 1004 - 应用程序定义或对象定义错误”在以下代码:

ActiveSheet.Range("U2:U" & LastRow).Formula = "=L2/86400"

If I change the "Last Row" for a number the Macro works normally.如果我更改一个数字的“最后一行”,宏会正常工作。 Below is the whole code.下面是整个代码。

Dim LastRow As Double
LastRow = Sheets("DLASpotPlacement").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).Rows
ActiveSheet.Range("U:U, V:V, W:W").NumberFormat = "[h]:mm:ss;@"
ActiveSheet.Range("U2:U" & LastRow).Formula = "=L2/86400"
ActiveSheet.Range("V2:V" & LastRow).Formula = "=VALUE(H2)"
ActiveSheet.Range("W2:W" & LastRow).FormulaLocal = "=IF(AND(H2>0,0416666666666667;H2<=0,249988425925926);""01 - 06"";IF(AND(H2>=0,25;H2<0,4166551);""06 - 10"";IF(AND(H2>=0,4166667;H2<0,4999884);""10 - 12"";IF(AND(H2>=0,5;H2<0,7499884);""12 - 18"";""18 - 01""))))"

Thanks for all the help感谢所有的帮助

@Mike; @麦克风; Your problem is in this line:你的问题在这一行:

LastRow = Sheets("DLASpotPlacement").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).Rows

You made the LastRow an array, not a number.您将LastRow数组,而不是数字。 Also, is not a Double but an Iteger (mathematically).此外,不是 Double 而是 Iteger(数学上)。 However, the Integer datatype is too small and you will get an "Overflow" error if you declare it "As Integer".但是,Integer 数据类型太小,如果将其声明为“As Integer”,则会出现“溢出”错误。 Here are the two changes you need to make it all work:以下是使其全部工作所需的两项更改:

Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Sheets("DLASpotPlacement").Rows.Count

Copy Excel Formulas复制 Excel 公式

The error occurs because of two reasons :发生错误的原因有两个

You forgot End(xlUp) in the LastRow Calculation, eg:您在LastRow Calculation 中忘记了End(xlUp) ,例如:

LastRow = Sheets("DLASpotPlacement").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

and it has to be declared as a whole number eg:并且必须声明为整数,例如:

Dim LastRow as Long

The Code编码

Option Explicit

Sub CopyFormulas()

    Const cCol As Variant = "A"   ' Last Row Column Letter/Number
    Const cFirstR As Long = 2     ' First Row Number

    Dim LastRow As Long           ' Last Row Number

    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DLASpotPlacement")
        LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, cCol).End(xlUp).Row
        '.Cells(1, cCol).Select ' uncomment if necessary
        ' You don't need to format the entire columns.
        .Range("U" & cFirstR & ":W" & LastRow).NumberFormat = "[h]:mm:ss;@"
        .Range("U" & cFirstR & ":U" & LastRow).Formula = "=L2/86400"
        .Range("V" & cFirstR & ":V" & LastRow).Formula = "=VALUE(H2)"
        .Range("W" & cFirstR & ":W" & LastRow).FormulaLocal = _
                "=IF(AND(H2>0,0416666666666667;H2<=0,249988425925926);""" _
                & "01 - 06"";IF(AND(H2>=0,25;H2<0,4166551);""06 - 10"";IF(" _
                & "AND(H2>=0,4166667;H2<0,4999884);""10 - 12"";IF(AND(H2>=0" _
                & ",5;H2<0,7499884);""12 - 18"";""18 - 01""))))"
    End With

End Sub


Using FormulaLocal is a nice 'trick' to remember.使用FormulaLocal是一个FormulaLocal记住的好“技巧”。

For LastRow, use the Worksheet.UsedRange property.对于 LastRow,使用 Worksheet.UsedRange 属性。

You could also use the Range.Resize property to select the range, and replace the "Select" with "With".您还可以使用 Range.Resize 属性来选择范围,并将“选择”替换为“使用”。

Dim LastRow As Double
With Sheets("DLASpotPlacement")
    LastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.count
    .Range("U:W").NumberFormat = "[h]:mm:ss;@"
    .Range("U1").Resize(LastRow - 1).Formula = "=L2/86400"
    .Range("V1").Resize(LastRow - 1).Formula = "=VALUE(H2)"
    .Range("W1").Resize(LastRow - 1).FormulaLocal = "..."
End With

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