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[英]JAVA : reading lines from a txt file and create an object

I'm a new student in computer science and i have to create an inventory program that read informations about products from a txt file in this format: Department;unit of measure;quantity;price;unique code;name;我是计算机科学专业的新生,我必须创建一个库存程序,该程序从以下格式的 txt 文件中读取有关产品的信息:部门;计量单位;数量;价格;唯一代码;名称; (example: E;U;20;1,50;87678350;Lamp) .Subsequently i have to : -calculate the total value of the stock -selling of a product -insertion of a product -searching of a product by unique code. (例如:E;U;20;1,50;87678350;Lamp)。随后我必须: - 计算股票的总价值 - 产品的销售 - 产品的插入 - 通过唯一代码搜索产品。 If there are lines with the same unique code, the program will report an error.如果有相同唯一码的行,程序会报错。

I managed to read the lines in the txt file but i dont have any idea on how to calculate the total value of the stock from it.我设法阅读了 txt 文件中的行,但我不知道如何从中计算股票的总价值。

public class Emporium{
public static void main (String[]args) throws IOException  {
Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("EMPORIUM.txt"));
    Product[] products = new Product[0];
    while(input.hasNext()) {
        String department = input.next();
        String unit=input.next();
        int quantity=input.nextInt();
        double price=input.nextDouble();
        long code=input.nextLong();
        String name=input.next();

        Product newProduct = new Product(department,unit,quantity,price,code,name);   
        products= addProducts(products,newProducts);
    for (Product product: products) {
    }}private static Product[] addProduct(Product[] products, Product  productToAdd) {
    Product[] newProducts =new Product[products.length+1];
    System.arraycopy(products,0,newProducts,0, products.length);
    newProducts[newProducts.length-1]= productToAdd;
    return newProducts;

public static class Product {

protected String department;
protected String unit;
protected int quantity;
protected double price;
protected long code;
protected String name;

private static NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");

public Product(String dep,String uom,int qnt,double prz,long cod,String nm) {

public String toString() {
    return  String.format(department+";"+unity+";"+quantity+";"+formatter.format(price)+";"+code+";"+name);

My question is: How can i read the value of the product in the file and sum it with the prices of the other products ?我的问题是:如何读取文件中产品的价值并将其与其他产品的价格相加? This mean that i need to do the same with the unique code to find a specific product.这意味着我需要对唯一代码执行相同操作才能找到特定产品。 Thank you very much in advance for your assistance.非常感谢您的帮助。

You've already read your products into an array, you need to loop through the array and add together price * quantity for each one.您已经将您的产品读入一个数组,您需要遍历该数组并将每个产品的price * quantity相加。

For example...例如...

double totalValue = Arrays.stream(products).mapToDouble(p -> p.quantity * p.price).sum();

This will iterate over each product and map each product to a double (which is the quantity times the price for that product) it then sums all of those results.这将迭代每个产品并将每个产品映射到一个双精度值(该产品的数量乘以价格),然后将所有这些结果相加。

The correct method would be to have Getters and Setters in your Product Class.正确的方法是在您的产品类中使用 Getter 和 Setter。

As you can see in your code, you just pass in your variables and initiate them in your constructor, but initializing them using getters and setters is better as it is a good programming practice and adds more functionality to your code.正如您在代码中看到的那样,您只需传入变量并在构造函数中初始化它们,但使用 getter 和 setter 初始化它们更好,因为这是一种良好的编程实践,并为您的代码添加了更多功能。


public static class Product {

    protected String department;
    protected String unit;
    protected int quantity;
    protected double price;
    protected long code;
    protected String name;

    private static NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");

    public Product(String dep,String uom,int qnt,double prz,long cod,String nm) {


    public void setPrz(double prz){
       this.price = price;

    //Other setters

    public double getPrz(){
       return price;

    //Other getters
    public String toString() {
        return  String.format(department+";"+unity+";"+quantity+";"+formatter.format(price)+";"+code+";"+name);


With getters and setters in your Products Class, you can:使用 Products 类中的 getter 和 setter,您可以:

  1. Create a method that calculates the sum of all Products in your ArrayList创建一个方法来计算 ArrayList 中所有产品的总和
  2. Search for a particular product in your array using your unique identifier使用您的唯一标识符在您的阵列中搜索特定产品
  3. Sort your Arraylist by a variable, be it department, price etc.按变量对您的 Arraylist 进行排序,例如部门、价格等。

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