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使用Excel VBA对复选框的可变标题

[英]Variable caption on checkboxes using excel VBA

I have the following code that creates checkboxes based on the values from a recordset, which can be A, B,C or D. I want the checkboxes caption to show what those letters mean. 我有以下代码根据记录集(可以是A,B,C或D)中的值创建复选框。我希望复选框标题显示这些字母的含义。 For example, A= Excelent, B= Very Good, C= Good, D= Bad. 例如,A =优秀,B =很好,C =很好,D =不好。 I have those values in a sheet and do a vlookup to get the corresponding name, so the code is currently doing the desired, but is there a way to not have these values in a sheet, perhaps in a variable or in a hidden sheet? 我在工作表中具有这些值,并执行vlookup获取相应的名称,因此代码当前正在执行所需的操作,但是有没有办法不在工作表中(可能在变量或隐藏工作表中)具有这些值?

If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then
    i = 0
        With MultiPage1.Pages(2).Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1", "Checkbox" & i)
            .Top = yPos
            .Left = 7
            .Caption = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(rst![Perspect], ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("b26:c30"), 2, False)
            .Width = 450
            .Height = 24
            .WordWrap = True
            .Value = False
            yPos = yPos + 17
            .Tag = rst![Perspect]
            i = i + 1
        End With
    Loop Until rst.EOF
End If

Something like this could help 这样的事情可能会有所帮助

Function getVal(strLetter As String)

Dim a() As Variant

Dim b() As Variant

a = Array("Gold", "Silver", "Bronze")
b = Array("A", "B", "C")

Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.Index( _
                a, 1, _
                Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(strLetter, b, 0))
End Function

Calling like so 像这样打电话

getVal("B") gives silver, getVal("C") gives bronze etc getVal("B")提供银, getVal("C")提供铜等

The best option is to put it in your recordset. 最好的选择是将其放入记录集中。 If you don't have that option, then I think this is the cleanest way: 如果您没有该选项,那么我认为这是最干净的方法:

Replace the .Caption = ... with .Caption = ...替换为

 .Caption = GradeCaption(rst![Perspect])

And then create your function: 然后创建您的函数:

Function GradeCaption(Grade As String) As String
    Select Case Grade
        Case "A"
            GradeCaption = "Excellent"
        Case "B"
            GradeCaption = "Very Good"
        Case "C"
            GradeCaption = "Good"
        Case "D"
            GradeCaption = "Bad"
    End Select
End Function

There are many possibilities to reach your goal: a sheet, a hidden sheet, arrays, a dictionary ... attached a possibility with select case: 有很多方法可以实现您的目标:一个工作表,一个隐藏工作表,数组,一个字典...附带一个选择用例的可能性:

Sub Call_GetDescr()
    MsgBox "A: " & getDescription("A")
    MsgBox "B: " & getDescription("B")
    MsgBox "C: " & getDescription("C")
    MsgBox "D: " & getDescription("D")
    MsgBox "X: " & getDescription("X")
End Sub

Function getDescription(inputStr As String) As String
Dim result As String
    Select Case inputStr
        Case "A"
            result = "very good"
        Case "B"
            result = "good"
        Case "C"
            result = "sufficient"
        Case "D"
            result = "bad"
        Case Else
            result = "not defined"
    End Select
    getDescription = result
End Function

Always been a fan of dictionaries for these types of problems. 一直是这类问题的词典迷。 May I suggest. 我可以建议。

Sub GradeDictionary()
Dim dict As Object, key, val
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

key = "A": val = "Excellent"
dict.Add key, val

key = "B": val = "Very Good"
dict.Add key, val

key = "C": val = "Good"
dict.Add key, val

key = "D": val = "Bad"
dict.Add key, val

For Each k In dict.Keys
    ' Print key and value
    Debug.Print k, dict(k)

End Sub

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