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如何从 php (Laravel) 连接到 SQL 服务器

[英]How to connect to SQL server from php (Laravel)

On a Linux/Ubuntu box, I'm trying to connect to an external SQL Server database, but I only get errors.在 Linux/Ubuntu 机器上,我试图连接到外部SQL Server数据库,但我只收到错误消息。 I know that the hostname, db name and credentials are correct, and I can't change them.我知道主机名、数据库名称和凭据是正确的,我无法更改它们。

$odbc="odbc:Driver={SQL Server};Server=$server;Database=$database;";
$db = new PDO($odbc, $user, $password);

This just gives me could not find driver .这只是让我could not find driver I have tried every tutorial I could find, and installed tons of packages, and restarted nginx over and over again.我已经尝试了我能找到的所有教程,并安装了大量软件包,并一遍又一遍地重新启动 nginx。 I don't know what to do next.我不知道接下来要做什么。

You need to install drivers for php: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/php/download-drivers-php-sql-server?view=sql-server-2017您需要为 php 安装驱动程序: https : //docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/php/download-drivers-php-sql-server? view = sql-server- 2017

Then update config/database.php to use the sqlserv connection and driver:然后更新config/database.php以使用 sqlserv 连接和驱动程序:

'default' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'sqlsrv'),

'connections' => [

    'sqlsrv' => [
       'driver'   => 'sqlsrv',
       'host'     => env('DB_HOST',     'localhost'),
       'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'default_database'),
       'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'default_username'),
       'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
       'prefix' => '',


After you've done that, you can use php artisan tinker to confirm the driver is available:完成后,您可以使用php artisan tinker确认驱动程序可用:

>>> DB::availableDrivers()
=> [
     0 => "mysql",
     2 => "sqlite",

and test your connection:并测试您的连接:

>>> DB::connection()
=> Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#161}

(Mine doesn't show sqlserv because I don't use that driver) (我的不显示 sqlserv,因为我不使用该驱动程序)

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