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[英]How to remove double quotes from json object

My JSON object looks like below我的 JSON 对象如下所示


Can some help me on removing the double quotes at first position and last position I tried with regex but not able to remove it.可以帮助我删除第一个位置和最后一个位置的双引号,我尝试使用正则表达式但无法删除它。

Use .substring() like below:使用.substring()如下:

 let input = "\\"{'EN':{'APP_TITLE':'TESTHEADING'}}\\""; let output = input.substring(1, input.length - 1); console.log(`Input: ${input} \\nOutput: ${output}`);

  • To remove the double quotes at the beginning and end, you can use substring .要删除开头和结尾的双引号,可以使用substring It take a start index (here 1 skipping the first character) and an end (here str.length - 1 skipping the last)它需要一个开始索引(这里是1跳过第一个字符)和一个结束(这里是str.length - 1跳过最后一个字符)
  • To have a valid JSON string you also need to replace the single quotes with double quotes .要获得有效的JSON 字符串,您还需要将单引号替换为双引号 To do that you can use a regex with the function replace .为此,您可以使用带有函数replace的正则表达式。 The g option replace all occurences of your target character ' => " g选项替换所有出现的目标字符' => "
  • To load this as an object (for further processing) in JavaScript, use JSON.parse .要在 JavaScript 中将其作为对象加载(用于进一步处理),请使用JSON.parse This will convert your JSON string into an actual object.这会将您的 JSON 字符串转换为实际对象。

Combining the 3 steps will give you something like this结合这 3 个步骤会给你这样的东西

 const str = "\\"{'EN':{'APP_TITLE':'TESTHEADING'}}\\""; const withoutQuotes = str .substring(1, str.length - 1) .replace(/'/g, '"'); const actualJSON = JSON.parse(withoutQuotes); console.log(actualJSON);

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