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使用ibm-cos-sdk时如何解决“ TypeError:密钥必须是新Hmac上的缓冲区(crypto.js:117:16)”

[英]How to fix 'TypeError: Key must be a buffer at new Hmac (crypto.js:117:16)' when using ibm-cos-sdk

I try to perform a Cloudant backup to IBM COS based on the example code provided for the @cloudant/couchbackup package and receive an error from the dependent Hmac package: "TypeError: Key must be a buffer at new Hmac (crypto.js:117:16)". 我尝试根据为@ cloudant / couchbackup包提供的示例代码执行到IBM COS的Cloudant备份,并从相关的Hmac包中收到错误:“ TypeError:密钥必须是新Hmac上的缓冲区(crypto.js:117 :16)”。

I adjusted the sample code to use my specific source (Cloudant) and target (COS) credentials and left the other parts of the sample code mainly unchanged. 我调整了示例代码以使用我的特定源(Cloudant)和目标(COS)凭据,并使示例代码的其他部分基本上保持不变。 The result is identical for running it on Ubuntu (on Virtual Box) and on Windows 10. General access to both Cloudant and COS is proven with other test scripts. 在Ubuntu(在Virtual Box上)和Windows 10上运行的结果相同。其他测试脚本证明了对Cloudant和COS的常规访问。

My server.js: 我的server.js:

const stream = require('stream');
const url = require('url');

const IbmCos = require('ibm-cos-sdk');
const couchbackup = require('@cloudant/couchbackup');
const debug = require('debug')('s3-backup');
const VError = require('verror').VError;

// COS properties 
const ibmAuthEndpointUrl = 'https://iam.ng.bluemix.net/oidc/token';
var backupBucket = process.env.COS_BUCKET;

var s3config = {
    endpoint: process.env.COS_ENDPOINT,
    apiKeyId: process.env.COS_API_KEY,
    ibmAuthEndpoint: ibmAuthEndpointUrl,
    serviceInstanceId: process.env.COS_RES_INST,

// Cloudant properties
const sourceUrl = process.env.COUCH_URL;
const sourceDbName = process.env.COUCH_DATABASE;
const sourceUrlExt = sourceUrl + '/' + sourceDbName;
const shallow = false;

// Create the COS client for the configuration:
var ibmS3Client = new IbmCos.S3(s3config);

const backupKeyPrefix = "A";
const backupKey = `${backupKeyPrefix}-${new Date().toISOString()}`;
debug(`Creating a new backup of ${s(sourceUrlExt)} at ${backupBucket}/${backupKey}...`);

bucketAccessible(ibmS3Client, backupBucket)
    .then(() => {
        return backupToS3(sourceUrlExt, ibmS3Client, backupBucket, backupKey, shallow);
    .then(() => {
    .catch((reason) => {
        debug(`Error: ${reason}`);

Main part of the code above and the functions bucketAccessible , backupToS3 , and s are from the example script . 上面代码的主要部分和功能bucketAccessiblebackupToS3s来自示例脚本

Running server.js I would expect a text file exported from Cloudant to be stored in the COS. However, this is the error I get: 运行server.js我希望从Cloudant导出的文本文件存储在COS中,但是,这是我得到的错误:

$ DEBUG=s3-backup node server.js
  s3-backup Creating a new backup of https://<mytenant>-bluemix.cloudant.com/test-48hg at dch-48h-backup01/A-2019-02-13T13:28:38.719Z... +0ms
  s3-backup Setting up S3 upload to ${s3Bucket}/${s3Key} +1s
  s3-backup Starting streaming data from ${sourceUrl} +1ms
  s3-backup Download from ${sourceUrl} complete. +717ms
  s3-backup S3 upload done +5ms
  s3-backup TypeError: Key must be a buffer
  s3-backup     at new Hmac (crypto.js:117:16)
  s3-backup     at Object.createHmac (crypto.js:643:10)
  s3-backup     at Object.hmac (C:\Users\StefanVogel\Documents\GitHub\48hg-backup\node_modules\ibm-cos-sdk\lib\util.js:400:30)
  s3-backup     at Object.getSigningKey (C:\Users\StefanVogel\Documents\GitHub\48hg-backup\node_modules\ibm-cos-sdk\lib\signers\v4_credentials.js:59:8)
  s3-backup     at V4.signature (C:\Users\StefanVogel\Documents\GitHub\48hg-backup\node_modules\ibm-cos-sdk\lib\signers\v4.js:95:36)
  s3-backup     at V4.authorization (C:\Users\StefanVogel\Documents\GitHub\48hg-backup\node_modules\ibm-cos-sdk\lib\signers\v4.js:90:36)
  s3-backup     at V4.addAuthorization (C:\Users\StefanVogel\Documents\GitHub\48hg-backup\node_modules\ibm-cos-sdk\lib\signers\v4.js:32:12)
  s3-backup     at C:\Users\StefanVogel\Documents\GitHub\48hg-backup\node_modules\ibm-cos-sdk\lib\event_listeners.js:199:18
  s3-backup     at finish (C:\Users\StefanVogel\Documents\GitHub\48hg-backup\node_modules\ibm-cos-sdk\lib\config.js:308:7)
  s3-backup     at C:\Users\StefanVogel\Documents\GitHub\48hg-backup\node_modules\ibm-cos-sdk\lib\config.js:324:9 +0ms
  s3-backup Error: Error: S3 upload failed +2ms

I tried the same thing with using the file instead of the stream version of the example scripts, still with the same error. 我尝试使用文件而不是示例脚本的版本进行相同的操作,但仍然存在相同的错误。

Apparently, the ibm-cos-sdk was not installed properly. 显然,ibm-cos-sdk安装不正确。 After running npm install ibm-cos-sdk it worked fine. 运行npm install ibm-cos-sdk可以正常工作。 Not sure why const IbmCos = require('ibm-cos-sdk'); 不知道为什么const IbmCos = require('ibm-cos-sdk'); is not sufficient. 还不够。 Maybe this is another question to someone knowledgeable of npm (not me certainly). 对于熟悉npm的人来说,这也许是另一个问题(当然不是我)。

I also managed to run the same script using the aws-sdk with slight modification of instantiating the client. 我还使用aws-sdk运行了相同的脚本,对实例化客户端进行了一些修改。

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