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Angular 2+中属性的规范化规则是什么?

[英]what are the normalization rules for properties in Angular 2+?

I ran into a silly issue recently with a component that uses a title property to bind the title of that component. 我最近遇到了一个愚蠢的问题,该组件使用title属性绑定该组件的标题 I forgot that title was a known HTML attribute and my users started seeing tooltips with the title over their components. 我忘记了title是一个已知的HTML属性,我的用户开始看到带有标题的组件提示工具提示。

At first, I just changed the property name to not conflict. 首先,我只是将属性名称更改为不冲突。 But then I remembered that in AngularJS, there are rules about normalization for directives . 但是后来我想起了在AngularJS中存在关于指令规范化的规则

I searched (using the search function) the Angular 6+ documentation and I couldn't find the word normalization in there. 我搜索了Angular 6+文档(使用搜索功能),但在那里找不到单词normalization I also tested and there seems to be some normalization available, at least using data- . 我也进行了测试,并且似乎可以使用一些规范化,至少使用data-

My question is: Is normalization officially supported in Angular 6+? 我的问题是: Angular 6+是否正式支持规范化? and where can I find documentation for it? 在哪里可以找到它的文档?

I created a StackBlitz with the following key components to highlight that using data-name="bob" is apparently equivalent to name="bob" : 我创建了一个具有以下关键组件的StackBlitz ,以突出显示使用data-name="bob"显然等同于name="bob"

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'hello',
  template: `<h1>Hello {{title}}!</h1>`,
  styles: [`h1 { font-family: Lato; }`]
export class HelloComponent  {
  @Input() title: string;
<hello data-title="bob"></hello>
<hello title="bob"></hello>

If you are using a directive that has an input that could be in conflict with an attribute for the parent element you have 3 options. 如果使用的指令输入可能与父元素的属性冲突,则有3个选项。

  1. Change the directive's input to a non-conflicting name. 将指令的输入更改为非冲突名称。
  2. Use binding notation 使用绑定符号

     <button title="PushMe" titleTesting [title]="'dont push me'">Push this</button> 
  3. Use attribute notation. 使用属性符号。

     <button [attr.title]="'PushMe'" titleTesting title="dont push me">Push this</button> 

Directive code used in above template: 上面模板中使用的指令代码:

  selector: '[titleTesting]'
export class TitleTestDirective implements OnInit {
  @Input() title: string;

Finally if the values should be the same and is a constant defined in the template then proceed as normal as both the element and your directive would get the same value, example: 最后,如果值应该相同并且是模板中定义的常数,则按常规进行,因为element和您的指令将获得相同的值,例如:

<button titleTesting title="dont push me">Push this</button>

See also Binding syntax: An overview and Property binding or interpolation? 另请参见绑定语法:概述属性绑定或插值? , attribute binding , and a stackblitz . 属性绑定和一个stackblitz

Normalization 正常化

In short angular does not support or do anything with normalization. 简而言之, 角度不支持归一化处理或不进行任何归一化处理。 You had directive listed but had a component example, a component would not have any conflicting attributes/inputs which is why I chose to model an example using directives. 您已列出指令,但有一个组件示例,一个组件不会有任何冲突的属性/输入,这就是为什么我选择使用指令为示例建模的原因。

data- is an HTML5 construct. data-是HTML5构造。 angular does not do anything with that directly. angular不直接做任何事情。 If you do include data- though it will still bind as expected to the Input but it won't be set on any html specific attribute. 如果您确实包含数据,尽管它仍会按预期绑定到Input,但不会在任何html特定属性上进行设置。 Example: data-title="some title" . 例如: data-title="some title" Based on the data- documentation this is expected behavior. 根据数据文档,这是预期的行为。

You can supply both a data- and a non data- element of the same type for different values but the order in which they appear is important. 您可以提供既DATA-和非data-同一类型的不同值的元素,但它们出现是非常重要的顺序。 Example: 例:

<button titleTesting title="Push me" data-title="DOn't push me">Push this</button>

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