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[英]Clojure: set value as a key

May be, it is a stupid question, but it may help many of newbies. 可能是,这是一个愚蠢的问题,但它可能对许多新手有所帮助。 How do I add a key-value pair to the map? 如何将键值对添加到地图?

I mean something like: 我的意思是:

(defn init-item [v item]
  (let [{:keys [id value]} item]
    (-> v
        (assoc :{ID_AS_A_KEY} value))))

And I get: 我得到:

(init-item {} {:id "123456789" :value [:name "King" :surname "Leonid"]})
user=> {:123456789 [:name "King" :surname "Leonid"]}

Just don't do it. 只是不要这样做。 Use the string itself as your map key. 使用字符串本身作为您的地图关键字。 There's no reason to make it a keyword. 没有理由将其设为关键字。 It's much easier to work with if you leave it alone. 如果不理会它,则工作起来要容易得多。

(defn init-item [v item]
  (assoc v (:id item) (:value item)))

I think this is what you meant to do: 我认为这就是您的意图:

  (defn init-item
    [dest-map item]
    (let [item-id-str (:id item)
          item-val    (:value item)
          item-id-kw  (keyword item-id-str)]
      (assoc dest-map item-id-kw item-val)))

  (let [all-items {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}
        item-1    {:id    "123456789"
                   :value [:name "King" :surname "Leonid"]}]

(init-item all-items item-1)  
  ;=>  {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3, :123456789 [:name "King" :surname "Leonid"]}

Clojure has functions name , symbol , and keyword to convert between strings and symbols/keywords. Clojure具有namesymbolkeyword功能,可在字符串和符号/关键字之间进行转换。 Since you already have the ID as a string, you just need to call keyword to convert it. 由于您已经拥有ID作为字符串,因此您只需调用keyword即可将其转换。

Be sure to always keep a browser tab open to The Clojure CheatSheet . 确保始终将浏览器选项卡打开到The Clojure CheatSheet

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