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[英]Typescript: Use `enum` values as `type`

I would like to use following enum 's values:我想使用以下enum的值:

export enum GenFormats {
    SHORT_LOWER = 'm/f', SHORT_UPPER = 'M/F', FULL = 'Male/Female'

as type given below:作为下面给出的类型:

export interface IGenderOptions {
    format: 'm/f' | 'M/F' | 'Male/Female'

by using Type extraction/definition something like:通过使用类型提取/定义,例如:

{{some type cast/logic}}<GenFormats>    // Outputs: 'm/f' | 'M/F' | 'Male/Female'

Updated Question:更新问题:

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

export enum EGenderFormats {
    SHORT_LOWER = 'm/f', SHORT_UPPER = 'M/F', FULL = 'Male/Female'

export interface IGenderFormats {
    SHORT_LOWER: 'm/f'; SHORT_UPPER: 'M/F'; FULL: 'Male/Female';

export interface IGenderOptions {
    format: IGenderFormats[keyof IGenderFormats]

const DEFAULTS: IGenderOptions = {
    format: EGenderFormats.FULL

My question is, how can I use single entity either enum EGenderFormats or interface IGenderFormats instead of both?我的问题是,如何使用单个实体enum EGenderFormatsinterface IGenderFormats而不是两者?

I am using Typescript 3.2.2我正在使用 Typescript 3.2.2


You can use the Enum as a type: 您可以将Enum用作一种类型:

export enum EGenderFormats {
  SHORT_LOWER = "m/f",
  FULL = "Male/Female"

type SGenderOptions = "m/f" | "M/F" | "Male/Female"

export interface IGenderOptions {
  format: EGenderFormats | SGenderOptions;

const DEFAULTS: IGenderOptions = {
  format: EGenderFormats.FULL

const OTHER_DEFAULTS: IGenderOptions = {
  format: "M/F"

I think with the latest TypeScript you can just assign it.我认为最新的 TypeScript 你可以直接分配它。 This is how I set up my easy-peasy store in an app for pages using enum这就是我在应用程序中使用枚举为页面设置简单商店的方式

import { Action, action, createStore } from "easy-peasy";
import { createTypedHooks } from "easy-peasy";

interface IStoreModel {
  page: Pages;
  setPage: Action<IStoreModel, Pages>;

enum Pages {
  Home = "home",
  Admin = "admin",

const typedHooks = createTypedHooks<IStoreModel>();

const store = createStore<IStoreModel>({
  page: Pages.Admin,
  setPage: action((state, payload) => {
    state.page = payload;

export const useStoreActions = typedHooks.useStoreActions;
export const useStoreDispatch = typedHooks.useStoreDispatch;
export const useStoreState = typedHooks.useStoreState;

Also, look here for the answer, you will definitely find it:) https://blog.logrocket.com/typescript-string-enums-guide还有,在这里找答案,你一定会找到的:) https://blog.logrocket.com/typescript-string-enums-guide

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