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在 Angular 7.x 中接收格式化的“multipart/form-data”响应

[英]Receive formatted 'multipart/form-data' response in Angular 7.x

I am developing an Angular application that shows some images to the user.我正在开发一个向用户显示一些图像的 Angular 应用程序。

I would like to obtain those images from a single REST call to a web service: given the fact i am already uploading the images via a FormData object, i would like to receive those images in the same way (so, basically, via content-type: multipart/form-data ).我想从对 Web 服务的单个 REST 调用中获取这些图像:鉴于我已经通过FormData对象上传图像,我想以相同的方式接收这些图像(因此,基本上,通过content-type: multipart/form-data )。

At the moment, using the following code:目前,使用以下代码:

this.http.post('api/load', {}, {headers: {'Accept': 'multipart/form-data'},
  responseType:'text', observe: 'response'});

i am actually receiving the full body of the response in a text format, like this:我实际上以文本格式接收响应的全文,如下所示:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=result

{"bar":[1,2,3,4], "foo": true}
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=image; filename=image1.jpg; filename*=utf-8''image1.jpg    
--- binarycontent...

But it's in a raw, text format.但它是原始的文本格式。

How can i receive a multipart/form-data response formatted by its boundaries, or a in clean way in Angular 7.x?我如何接收按边界格式化的multipart/form-data响应,或者在 Angular 7.x 中以干净的方式接收?

One of the solution is to implement an interceptor service where you can format multipart/form-data response.解决方案之一是实现拦截器服务,您可以在其中设置多部分/表单数据响应的格式。 For example, your inteceptor will be - multipart.interceptor.ts :例如,您的拦截器将是 - multipart.interceptor.ts

export class MultipartInterceptService implements HttpInterceptor {
    private parseResponse(response: HttpResponse<any>): HttpResponse<any> {
        const headerValue = response.headers.get('Content-Type');
        const body = response.body;
        const contentTypeArray = headerValue ? headerValue.split(';') : [];
        const contentType = contentTypeArray[0];

        switch (contentType) {
            case 'multipart/form-data':
                if (!body) {
                    return response.clone({ body: {} });

                const boundary = body?.split('--')[1].split('\r')[0];
                const parsed = this.parseData(body, boundary); // function which parse your data depends on its content (image, svg, pdf, json)

                if (parsed === false) {
                    throw Error('Unable to parse multipart response');

                return response.clone({ body: parsed });
                return response;

    // intercept request and add parse custom response
    public intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
        return next.handle(customRequest).pipe(
            map((response: HttpResponse<any>) => {
                if (response instanceof HttpResponse) {
                    return this.parseResponse(response);

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