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[英]How to run a cron job every 10 seconds in ruby on rails

I am trying to run a cron job in every 10 seconds that runs a piece of code. 我试图每10秒运行一次cron作业,它运行一段代码。 I have used an approach which requires running a code and making it sleep for 10 seconds, but it seems to make drastically degrading the app performance. 我已经使用了一种方法,该方法需要运行代码并使它休眠10秒钟,但这似乎会使应用程序性能急剧下降。 I am using whenever gem, which run every minute and sleeps for 10 seconds. 每当宝石每分钟运行一次并睡眠10秒钟时,我就会使用它。 How can I achieve the same w/o using sleep method. 如何使用睡眠方法实现相同的效果。 Following is my code. 以下是我的代码。

every 1.minute do
  runner "DailyNotificationChecker.send_notifications"

class DailyNotificationChecker
    def self.send_notifications
        puts "Triggered send_notifications"
        expiry_time = Time.now + 57
        while (Time.now < expiry_time)
            if RUN_SCHEDULER == "true" || RUN_SCHEDULER == true
          sleep 10 #seconds

    def self.process_notes
        notes = nil
        time = Benchmark.measure do
          Note.uncached do
            notes = Note.where(status: false)
            notes.update_all(status: true)
        puts "time #{time}"

Objective of my code is to change the boolean status of objects to true which gets checked every 10 seconds. 我的代码的目标是将对象的布尔状态更改为true ,每10秒检查一次。 This table has 2 million records. 该表有200万条记录。

I would suggest using Sidekiq background jobs for this. 我建议为此使用Sidekiq后台作业。 With the sidekiq-scheduler gem you can run ordinary sidekiq jobs schedules in whatever internal you need. 使用sidekiq-scheduler gem,您可以在所需的任何内部运行常规的sidekiq作业计划。 Bonus points for having a web-interface to handle and monitor the jobs via the Sidekiq gem. 具有Web界面以通过Sidekiq gem处理和监视作业的奖励积分。

You would use the clockwork gem. 您将使用发条宝石。 It runs in a separate process. 它在单独的过程中运行。 The configuration is pretty simple. 配置非常简单。

require 'clockwork'
include Clockwork

every(10.seconds, 'frequent.job') { DailyNotificationChecker.process_notes }

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