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Spring Boot无法自动装配测试类

[英]Spring Boot not autowiring class in test

I have a Spring Boot 2 application with the following structure: 我有一个具有以下结构的Spring Boot 2应用程序:

- src/main/java/com.mycompany/
---- application
---- domain
---- infrastructure
-------- persistence
------------ ...
-------- Application.java
- src/main/test/java/com.mycompany/
---- application
---- domain
---- infrastructure
-------- persistence
------------ testingutils
---------------- JdbcPersistenceHelper.java
------------ CurrenciesJdbcViewTest.java

Application class: 应用类别:

package com.mycompany.infrastructure;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

JdbcPersistenceHelper: JdbcPersistenceHelper:

package com.mycompany.infrastructure.persistence.testingutils;

public class JdbcPersistenceHelper {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public JdbcPersistenceHelper(EntityManager entityManager) {
        this.entityManager = entityManager;

CurrenciesJdbcViewTest: 货币JdbcViewTest:

package com.mycompany.infrastructure.persistence;

public class CurrenciesJdbcViewTest {

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
    private JdbcPersistenceHelper persistenceHelper;

    private CurrenciesJdbcView view;

    void setUp() {
        view = new CurrenciesJdbcView(jdbcTemplate);

However, when I run the test, I got an error on ApplicationContext loading as follows: 但是,当我运行测试时,在ApplicationContext加载时出现错误,如下所示:

org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'com.mycompany.infrastructure.persistence.CurrenciesJdbcViewTest': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'persistenceHelper'; org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException:创建名称为'com.mycompany.infrastructure.persistence.CurrenciesJdbcViewTest'的bean时出错:通过字段'persistenceHelper'表示的不满意依赖关系; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'com.mycompany.infrastructure.persistence.testingutils.JdbcPersistenceHelper' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. 嵌套的异常是org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:没有类型为'com.mycompany.infrastructure.persistence.testingutils.JdbcPersistenceHelper'的合格Bean:期望至少有1个有资格作为自动装配候选的Bean。 Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)} 依赖项注释:{@ org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required = true)}

It seems that spring is not detecting and autowiring JdbcPersistenceHelper class even though it is placed in a subpackage of com.mycompany.infrastructure where my spring boot's application class is located, so I think it should be able to detect it without any further configuration. 似乎spring并没有检测并自动JdbcPersistenceHelper类,即使它位于com.mycompany.infrastructure的子包中,该子包是我的spring boot的应用程序类所在的位置,因此我认为它应该能够在没有任何进一步配置的情况下检测到它。 Am I missing something here? 我在这里想念什么吗?

You have 'src/main/test/com.mycompany/' but that should be 'src/test/java/com/mycompany/' 您具有“ src / main / test / com.mycompany /”,但应为“ src / test / java / com / mycompany /”

I guess 'test' is seen as a package name and therefore not picked up by component scan. 我猜“测试”被视为软件包的名称,因此没有被组件扫描所识别。

If you want to use dependency injection for your tests, you might want to consider constructor injection in favor of field injection since it is considered better style and clearer (all required dependencies must be set). 如果要在测试中使用依赖项注入,则可能需要考虑使用构造函数注入,而建议使用字段注入,因为它被认为是更好的样式和更清晰的(必须设置所有必需的依赖项)。

I think I would not use DI at all for my tests but just instantiate any helpers as fields or in a @Before method. 我想我根本不会在测试中使用DI,而只是将任何帮助程序实例化为字段或@Before方法。 I don't really see a test as an application component but more as a standalone thing. 我并不是真正将测试视为应用程序组件,而是将其视为独立的东西。 Less complexity helps with understanding and maintaing tests in my experience. 降低复杂性有助于理解和维护测试经验。

You're only using @DataJpaTest on your test class; 您仅在测试类上使用@DataJpaTest most likely, your "helper" (which I recommend replacing with Spring Data JPA) isn't in that slice and needs to be added to it using includeFilters or @ContextConfiguration . 最有可能的,你的“帮手”(我建议使用Spring数据JPA替换)是不是在该切片和需要添加使用它来includeFilters@ContextConfiguration

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