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[英]Dynamically create dictionary keys where I can append additional values?

I have a dictionary that I'll be adding data to that looks like this: 我有一个字典,我将添加数据,如下所示:

mydict = {
    'key1': ['First string message', 'Second string message'],
    'key2': ['String message']

I am iterating through a json object that has two keys - key and message . 我正在迭代一个有两个键的json对象 - keymessage I want to add every key into mydict and append all message s that have the same key . 我想将每个key添加到mydict并附加具有相同key所有message

Example: 例:

        'key': 'key1',
        'message': 'First string message'
        'key': 'key2',
        'message': 'String message'
        'key': 'key1',
        'message': 'Second string message'
        'key': 'key3',
        'message': 'Brand new string message'

I am having a problem on building my dictionary dynamically though. 我在动态构建我的字典时遇到了问题。 How can I dynamically create my keys so that I can append additional strings? 如何动态创建我的密钥以便我可以附加其他字符串?

One of the ways I've tried is this: 我尝试过的方法之一是:

import json
response = [
        'key': 'key1',
        'message': 'First string message'
        'key': 'key2',
        'message': 'String message'
        'key': 'key1',
        'message': 'Second string message'
        'key': 'key3',
        'message': 'Brand new string message'
mydict = {}
for r in response:
    mydict[r['key']] = mydict.get(r['key'], [r['message']])

{'key1': ['First string message'], 'key2': ['String message'], 'key3': ['Brand new string message']}

This, obviously, fails my expected result because key1 doesn't contain both strings. 显然,这会使我的预期结果失败,因为key1不包含这两个字符串。

I tried this: 我试过这个:

for r in response:
    mydict[r['key']] = mydict.get(r['key'], [r['message']]) + r['message']

But this fails with TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list 但是这与TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list失败TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list

How can I dynamically create my keys so that I can append additional strings? 如何动态创建我的密钥以便我可以附加其他字符串?

You should use either defaultdict or setdefault . 您应该使用defaultdictsetdefault I prefer defaultdict : 我更喜欢defaultdict

from collections import defaultdict

response = [
        'key': 'key1',
        'message': 'First string message'
        'key': 'key2',
        'message': 'String message'
        'key': 'key1',
        'message': 'Second string message'
        'key': 'key3',
        'message': 'Brand new string message'

mydict = defaultdict(list)

for r in response:

With setdefault you can make mydict a regular dictionary: 使用setdefault您可以使mydict成为常规字典:

mydict = {}
for r in response:
    mydict.setdefault(r['key'], []).append(r['message'])


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