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[英]using SCL in the command call for Ruby script

My employer has Ruby 1.8.7 in the /usr/bin/ruby, and allows the usage of Ruby 2.4 only via SCL (sofoware collections). 我的雇主在/ usr / bin / ruby​​中拥有Ruby 1.8.7,并且仅允许通过SCL(软件集合)使用Ruby 2.4。
Which means that when I run ruby, I need to use (from the RH6 shell) scl enablde ruby-24 'ruby foo.rb' when foo.rb is the file name. 这意味着当我运行ruby时,当foo.rb是文件名时,需要使用scl enablde ruby-24 'ruby foo.rb' I want to enable the ruby call on the first execution line, ie, instead of the Ruby code file looking like: 我想在第一个执行行上启用ruby调用,即,而不是如下所示的Ruby代码文件:

puts "Hello world"

That the code will look 该代码将看起来

puts "Hello world"

Where the cmd is what calls via the scl and run the Ruby 2.4 for the puts command. cmd是通过scl调用并为puts命令运行Ruby 2.4的地方。 I know that a wrapper file can be used. 我知道可以使用包装文件。 I want something in 1 file. 我想要一份文件。

How about this: 这个怎么样:

if RUBY_VERSION != "2.4.1"
  exec "scl enable ruby-24; ruby __FILE__"
puts "Ruby Version: #{RUBY_VERSION}"

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