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针对 css 的 elementor 的目标特定元素

[英]Target specific element of elementor for css

footer menu whose color I want to change I am using elementor free version to build my wordpress website.我想更改其颜色的页脚菜单我正在使用 element 或免费版本来构建我的 wordpress 网站。 I have written a css class in simple custom css plugin and apply this class on elementor elements.我在简单的自定义 css 插件中编写了一个 css 类,并将这个类应用于 elementor 元素。 But it is only applied on div tag and not on ul or heading tag.但它仅适用于 div 标签,而不适用于 ul 或标题标签。 Actually there are menu links on my footer with discs as a bullet and I want it to be bullet free.实际上,我的页脚上有菜单链接,光盘作为项目符号,我希望它没有项目符号。 Therefore I have written a class as因此我写了一个类作为


But only the color tag works on div elements and bullet color changes to green but list-style-type not works on ul and color also not works on h2 tag.但只有颜色标签适用于 div 元素,子弹颜色变为绿色,但列表样式类型不适用于 ul,颜色也不适用于 h2 标签。 How can I do this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

class that you give in elementor will always be assigned to the parent div of that element.您在 elementor 中提供的类将始终分配给该元素的父 div。 you will have to target like this.你将不得不像这样瞄准。 hope it helps you希望对你有帮助

.bottom ul.primary-menu li.page_item.page-item-10

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