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[英]How I can make RequestParam dynamic?

I have a list of POST requests, where request bodies are quite similar 我有一个POST请求列表,其中的请求正文非常相似


I have a generic RequestBody 我有一个通用的RequestBody

public class RequestBody<T>{
  EntityBody<T> entity;
  Date updateDate;

public class EntityBody<T>{
  String type;
  T parts;

In my Post Controller I have method as 在我的Post Controller我有方法

@RequestMapping(value = "/{type}")
public ResponseEntity<?> create(
            @PathVariable(value = "type") String type,
            @RequestBody RequestBody<T> body) {

Is there anyway that generic type T can be assigned depends on type? 无论如何,是否可以根据类型分配通用类型T In this case I wouldn't need create multiple create method, otherwise I need create multiple method, like 在这种情况下,我不需要创建多个创建方法,否则我需要创建多个方法,例如

@RequestMapping(value = "/nissan")
public ResponseEntity<?> createNissan(
            @RequestBody RequestBody<NissanContent> body) {

@RequestMapping(value = "/ford")
public ResponseEntity<?> createFord(
            @RequestBody RequestBody<Ford> body) {

which are unnecessary repetitions. 这是不必要的重复。

This can be done by using @JsonTypeInfo annotation. 这可以通过使用@JsonTypeInfo批注来完成。

For example: 例如:

Define entities according to different structures under "parts" key: 根据“ parts”键下的不同结构定义实体:

class NissanParams {

  private String nissanUniqueContent1;

  private String nissanUniqueContent2;

  // getters + setters


In EntityBody , remove type field and add the annotations: EntityBody ,删除type字段并添加注释:

public class EntityBody<T> {

  @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY, property = "type")
  @JsonSubTypes({ @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = NissanParams.class, name = "Nissan")})
  private T parts;


And there will be a single controller method: 并且将有一个单一的控制器方法:

@PostMapping(path = "{make}",
  produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
  consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public RequestBody<Object> create(@PathVariable("make") String make,
                                 @org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody RequestBody<Object> body) {
  // please change the name of "RequestBody" entity, in order to avoid name clash with the annotation

You can use JsonTypeInfo and JsonSubTypes Jackson annotations. 您可以使用JsonTypeInfoJsonSubTypes Jackson批注。 Your model could look like: 您的模型可能如下所示:

class EntityBody {

    private Car parts;

    @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "type", include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY)
            @JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "Ford", value = Ford.class),
            @JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "Nissan", value = Nissan.class)
    public Car getParts() {
        return parts;

As you can see, you do not need type property. 如您所见,您不需要type属性。 It will be read by Jackson to find out a car type. Jackson将阅读该书以找出汽车类型。 I have created Car base class/interface but you do not need to do that. 我已经创建了Car基类/接口,但是您不需要这样做。

Your POST method could look like this: 您的POST方法可能如下所示:

@RequestMapping(value = "/cars", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> create(@RequestBody RequestPayload body) {

    return ResponseEntity.ok("OK");

You do not need PathVariable here. 您在这里不需要PathVariable

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