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[英]How do I update an entity in Azure Table Storage?

How do I update a single entity in an Azure table? 如何更新Azure表中的单个实体?

Reading: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.windowsazure.storage.table.tableoperation.merge?view=azure-dotnet 阅读: https : //docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/api/microsoft.windowsazure.storage.table.tableoperation.merge?view=azure-dotnet

It simply states that it merges the entity. 它只是简单地说它合并了实体。

How does it merge? 它如何合并?

Which properties are overwritten, and which are not? 哪些属性被覆盖,哪些不被覆盖?

Will entity properties whose values are null not be updated? 值为空的实体属性是否不会更新?

Yes, no, maybe? 是的,不,也许吗?

To understand how Merge operation works, consider this example. 要了解Merge操作的工作原理,请考虑以下示例。

Let's say you have an entity like the following: 假设您有一个如下实体:

PartitionKey: "PK"

RowKey: "RK"

Attribute1: "Value 1"

Attribute2: "Value 2"

Now you want to update that entity. 现在,您要更新该实体。 What you do is change the value of Attribute1 and add a new attribute Attribute3 . 您要做的就是更改Attribute1的值,并添加一个新属性Attribute3

PartitionKey: "PK"

RowKey: "RK"

Attribute1: "Value 1 (Updated)"

Attribute3: "Value 3"

Once you update the entity using Merge , the resulting entity would be: 使用Merge更新实体后,生成的实体将是:

PartitionKey: "PK"

RowKey: "RK"

Attribute1: "Value 1 (Updated)"

Attribute2: "Value 2"

Attribute3: "Value 3"

To summarize Merge operation: 总结Merge操作:

  • Any attribute that is present in both original and updated entity will be updated. 原始实体和更新实体中都存在的任何属性都将被更新。
  • Any attribute that is present in the original entity but not in updated entity will not be changed. 原始实体中存在但更新实体中不存在的任何属性都不会更改。
  • Any attribute that is not present in the original entity but present in updated entity will be added. 将添加原始实体中不存在但更新实体中存在的任何属性。

Please note that there's Replace Entity operation as well which replaces the original entity with the updated entity. 请注意,还有“ Replace Entity操作,该操作将原始实体替换为更新后的实体。 So with the same example, if you update an entity using Replace Entity operation, resulting entity would be: 因此,在同一示例中,如果使用“ Replace Entity操作更新实体,则生成的实体将是:

PartitionKey: "PK"

RowKey: "RK"

Attribute1: "Value 1 (Updated)"

Attribute3: "Value 3"

To summarize Replace operation: 总结Replace操作:

  • Any attribute that is present in both original and updated entity will be updated. 原始实体和更新实体中都存在的任何属性都将被更新。
  • Any attribute that is present in original entity but not in updated entity will be removed. 原始实体中存在但更新实体中不存在的任何属性将被删除。
  • Any attribute that is not present in original entity but present in updated entity will be added. 将添加原始实体中不存在但更新实体中存在的任何属性。

According to the HTTP API https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/merge-entity : 根据HTTP API https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/merge-entity

The Table service does not persist null values for properties. 表服务不会保留属性的空值。 Specifying a property with a null value is equivalent to omitting that property in the request. 指定具有空值的属性等同于在请求中省略该属性。 Only properties with non-null values will be updated by the Merge Entity operation. 合并实体操作将仅更新具有非空值的属性。

Assuming this goes for the C# SDK as well. 假设这也适用于C#SDK。

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