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[英]New line break every two words in javascript string

I have one string 我有一串

string = "example string is cool and you're great for helping out" 

I want to insert a line break every two words so it returns this: 我想每两个单词插入一个换行符,因此它返回以下内容:

string = 'example string \n
is cool  \n
and you're  \n
great for \n
helping out'

I am working with variables and cannot manually do this. 我正在使用变量,无法手动执行此操作。 I need a function that can take this string and handle it for me. 我需要一个可以接受此字符串并为我处理的函数。

Thanks!! 谢谢!!

You can use replace method of string. 您可以使用字符串的替换方法。

  • .*? - Match anything except new line. -匹配除换行符以外的所有内容。 lazy mode. 惰性模式。
  • \\s - Match a space character. \\s匹配一个空格字符。

 let string = "example string is cool and you're great for helping out" console.log(string.replace(/(.*?\\s.*?\\s)/g, '$1'+'\\n')) 

I would use this regular expression: (\\s+\\s*){1,2} : 我将使用以下正则表达式: (\\s+\\s*){1,2}

 var string = "example string is cool and you're great for helping out"; var result = string.replace(/(\\S+\\s*){1,2}/g, "$&\\n"); console.log(result); 

First, split the list into an array array = str.split(" ") and initialize an empty string var newstring = "" . 首先,将列表拆分为一个数组array = str.split(" ")并初始化一个空字符串var newstring = "" Now, loop through all of the array items and add everything back into the string with the line breaks array.forEach(function(e, i) {newstring += e + " "; if((i + 1) % 2 = 0) {newstring += "\\n "};}) In the end, you should have: 现在,遍历所有数组项,并使用换行符array.forEach(function(e, i) {newstring += e + " "; if((i + 1) % 2 = 0) {newstring += "\\n "};})最后,您应该具有:

array = str.split(" ");
var newstring = "";
array.forEach(function(e, i) {
    newstring += e + " "; 
    if((i + 1) % 2 = 0) {
        newstring += "\n ";

newstring is the string with the line breaks! newstring是带有换行符的字符串!

let str = "example string is cool and you're great for helping out" ;

function everyTwo(str){
    return str
        .split(" ") // find spaces and make array from string
        .map((item, idx) => idx % 2 === 0 ? item : item + "\n") // add line break to every second word
        .join(" ") // make string from array


output => example string
 is cool
 and you're
 great for
 helping out

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