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[英]Read unicode characters from text or richtext field

I am trying to work out how to read and store odd unicode characters from a text field or rich text field into a string to then update in an SQL database. 我正在尝试找出如何从文本字段或富文本字段中读取并存储奇数unicode字符到字符串中,然后在SQL数据库中进行更新。

I think I have the SQL side of things sorted out however I can't work out the user input side. 我认为我已经整理了SQL方面的内容,但是我无法解决用户输入方面的问题。

I have a text box or rich text box (tried both) on a form where the user inputs 我在用户输入的表单上有一个文本框或富文本框(都尝试过) 参考附件 into the field, and they can input put it ok, but how do I retrieve it to send to SQL? 进入字段,他们可以输入正确的输入,但是如何检索它以发送到SQL?

A string variable just converts it to <104cfu/g. 字符串变量只是将其转换为<104cfu / g。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

I put the following example together to help you spot the issue that you may have in your code, and the reason why it isn't saving the unicode string into your table. 我将以下示例放在一起,以帮助您发现代码中可能存在的问题,以及未将Unicode字符串保存到表中的原因。

This example will save unicode text into the dbo.MyTable table, which has the following schema: 本示例将unicode文本保存到dbo.MyTable表中,该表具有以下架构:

    MyColumn NVARCHAR(MAX)

And this logic will insert a record into the dbo.MyTable table with the text from textbox1.Text : 而这种逻辑将插入一条记录到dbo.MyTable从文本表textbox1.Text

using (var cn = new SqlConnection("MyConnectionString"))

    using (var cm = cn.CreateCommand())
        cm.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        cm.CommandText = "INSERT dbo.MyTable (MyColumn) VALUES (@MyText)";

        // Assuming textBox1 is your textbox...
            new SqlParameter("@MyText", SqlDbType.NVarChar, -1) { Value = textBox1.Text }



Based on your comment below, I made the following changes to your code around the SqlCommand to use parameters instead of string concatenation, I explained why this is bad here ; 根据下面的评论,我对SqlCommand周围的代码进行了以下更改,以使用参数而不是字符串连接,我在这里解释了为什么这样做很糟糕; The code below will save your unicode text into your table as expected and will be safe: 以下代码将按预期将unicode文本保存到表中,并且很安全:

SqlCommand ins = new SqlCommand("UPDATE ProductTestSpecifications set Specification = @Specification where ProductID = @ProductID and TestID = @TestID", con);

// When building your SqlCommand, always use parameters if you are interacting with external input, this will protect you against SQL injection.
ins.Parameters.Add("@Specification", SqlDbType.NVarChar, -1).Value = myRichText.Text;

// Im assuming ProductID and TestID are System.Int32, if not, please change SqlDbType.Int to the appropriate type.
ins.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ProductID;
ins.Parameters.Add("@TestID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = TestID;

catch (Exception ex)
    result = ex.Message.ToString();

Switch from using the Text property of the RichTextBox to the Rtf property. 从使用RichTextBox的Text属性切换到Rtf属性。 It achieves the result I am after... 它达到了我追求的结果...

Thanks all 谢谢大家

Well, .NET is unicode from the beginning, so it should be straightforward. 嗯,.NET从一开始就是unicode,所以它应该很简单。

Make sure your database column collation is unicode as well (types such nvarchar or just collation itself that supports unicode characters). 确保您的数据库列排序规则也为Unicode(类型为nvarchar或仅排序规则本身支持Unicode字符)。

It usually helps when you provide a sample of your code so that it's easier to find a problem. 当您提供代码示例时,它通常会有所帮助,以便更轻松地发现问题。


byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(unicodeString);

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