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[英]Problem publishing an app with SMS permissions

recently, the new Google policy doesn't allow the publishing of apps with SMS capabilities if they don't respect some features. 最近,如果新的Google政策不遵守某些功能,则不允许发布具有SMS功能的应用。 Basically, all the apps that send and receive SMS are going to be removed or rejected during publication. 基本上,所有发送和接收SMS的应用都将在发布期间被删除或拒绝。

I'm producing an app that allow the user to control own programmable thermostat via SMS. 我正在开发一个允许用户通过SMS控制自己的可编程恒温器的应用程序。 The app exists since 2-3 years and it's used by 5000 customers. 该应用程序存在2-3年,已有5000个客户使用。

With the new Google policy, they rejected my last app update. 根据新的Google政策,他们拒绝了我的上次应用更新。 When I publish the update, the Google Console asks me to fill a declaration form for the SMS permission. 当我发布更新时,Google控制台会要求我填写一份SMS许可声明表。 I tried to fill the form more times, selecting different options, but they still continue to reject my app. 我尝试多次填写表格,选择其他选项,但他们仍然继续拒绝我的应用。 Moreover, other companies that develop the same identical app are publishing updates, so I don't understand why my application is rejected even if it's identical to other accepted apps. 而且,其他开发相同应用程序的公司也在发布更新,因此即使我的应用程序与其他接受的应用程序相同,我也不明白为什么我的应用程序被拒绝。

Can anyone help me with this problem? 谁能帮助我解决这个问题? Maybe did anyone have the same problem and found a solution? 也许有人遇到过同样的问题并找到了解决方案?

The root answer to this is sending SMS without visibility to the user is bad. 根本原因是发送SMS时用户看不见是不好的。 For every app like yours, which does it for legitimate reasons, there are 1000s that try to defraud the user by sending SMS to premium rate numbers. 对于每个像您这样的应用程序(出于正当理由),都有数千个应用程序试图通过将SMS发送给高级费率号码来欺骗用户。 So Google has clamped down. 因此,谷歌采取了措施。

iOS has had this banned for years, and developers have found ways of coping . iOS对此禁令已有多年, 开发人员已经找到了应对方法 It is worth asking yourself how you would solve the same problem on iPhone. 值得自问,您将如何解决iPhone上的相同问题。

You've got a few possible solutions: 您有几种可能的解决方案:

  • The help centre page is here . 帮助中心页面在此处 For some purposes there is an exception. 对于某些目的,有一个例外。 Unfortunately your use case is not on the list of permitted exceptions. 不幸的是,您的用例不在允许的例外列表中。 So however you fill in the form, you are not going to be allowed to republish your app in the current form. 因此,无论您填写表格是什么,都不允许您在当前表格中重新发布您的应用。

  • Option 2 is to allow the user to confirm the SMS before sending. 选项2是允许用户在发送之前确认SMS。 As described in the "alternatives to common usages" in the help center you can use an SMS intent to send an SMS which the user confirms 如帮助中心中“常用用法的替代方法”所述,您可以使用SMS意图发送一条由用户确认的SMS

  • If you need complete automation you only have one option left. 如果您需要完全自动化,则只剩下一个选择。 Set up your own SMS sending server, that gets a message over the internet to send the SMS, then send using an online SMS sending service. 设置您自己的SMS发送服务器,该服务器通过Internet接收一条消息以发送SMS,然后使用在线SMS发送服务进行发送。 There are quite a few. 有很多。

I realize none of these match the convenience you have today. 我意识到这些都不是您今天所拥有的便利。 It was a hard call for Google but they made it to protect Android users from bad apps. 对于Google来说,这是一个艰难的要求,但他们的目的是保护Android用户免受不良应用的攻击。

My app is an automatic REPLYER, it receives an SMS and if it is considered a VALID command automatically answers to the sender providing the GPS position via SMS, all in clear, the user hears and can see the messages both received and sent in his standard message archive .... in this way, an elder or an in-danger child can be reached at their position. 我的应用程序是一个自动回复器,它会收到一条短信,如果认为它是有效命令,则会通过短信自动答复发送方提供GPS位置的发件人,所有内容都清晰无误,用户可以听到并看到以其标准接收和发送的消息消息存档....这样,可以联系到年长或处于危险中的孩子。

Why should there be no exception for these uses? 为什么这些用途没有例外? In the exception request form of google there is the entry "Emergency" but only provides for the exception for the SEND_SMS permission and not also for READ_SMS or RECEIVED_SMS .... but how can you send a text message a person who may have missed it, is fainted, it's dead ... it's absurd! 在google的例外请求表单中,有“紧急”条目,但仅提供了SEND_SMS许可的例外,而不是READ_SMS或RECEIVED_SMS的例外。...但是如何向可能错过它的人发送短信,晕倒了,死了……这很荒谬! It's obvious that there must be both permissions! 显然,必须同时拥有两个权限! ... if it's a third person to request the position as you can think of removing the permission "READ" ... the only explanation is that they do not know absolutely what they are doing. ...如果是第三人称要求该职位,因为您可以考虑删除权限“ READ” ...唯一的解释是他们并不完全知道自己在做什么。

Even I, like you, I do not know how to do it, they continually refuse my request for an exception, and I'm really angry because after years and years of refinements, tests, now I find myself being treated as a "scammer" or I do not know what else ... when I have always worked to make the app useful and clear. 甚至我,像你一样,我也不知道该怎么做,他们不断拒绝我的例外请求,我真的很生气,因为经过多年的完善,测试,现在我发现自己被视为“骗子” ”,或者我不知道还有什么……当我一直致力于使该应用程序实用且清晰时。

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