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[英]Excel: Send outlook email based on cell content

I would like to learn: 我乐意去学:

When it is 16 days past the date in a certain column(column D), how do we send an outlook email to the email address (format: name@abc.com) which is listed in another column C. eg. 如果某个日期(D列)中的日期比日期晚16天,我们如何将Outlook电子邮件发送到另一列C中列出的电子邮件地址(格式:name@abc.com)。 An email should be sent to the email address in C1 if the date is 16 days past the date in cell D1 and the cell E1 is blank(has no text). 如果日期晚于单元格D1中的日期16天并且单元格E1为空白(无文本),则应将电子邮件发送到C1中的电子邮件地址。

Also, how can I set up the body of the email in a way such that I can insert a string into the body by taking the text in another column B. eg. 另外,如何设置电子邮件的正文,以便可以通过将文本插入另一列B中来将字符串插入正文中。 the body of the email sent to the email address in cell C1 should contain the string of text in cell B1. 发送到单元格C1中电子邮件地址的电子邮件正文应在单元格B1中包含文本字符串。


Please add a Worksheet_Change event on the code page of your worksheet where you are having data as shown in your snapshot.Open VB Editor by pressing F11 key. 请在Worksheet_Change的代码页上添加一个Worksheet_Change _ Worksheet_Change事件,其中包含快照中显示的数据。按F11键打开VB编辑器。 Then you click on sheet, it will open up code page of the sheet. 然后单击工作表,它将打开工作表的代码页。 From the drop down select change and a routine will be added to the code page. 从下拉列表中选择更改,然后将一个例程添加到代码页。 Insert code in that routine. 在该例程中插入代码。

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    If Target.Column = 7 Then   'e.g. for column G
          Sendmail   'name of your sub
    End If

End Sub

Set up of our sheet is like the snap shot shown below. 我们的工作表设置如下图所示。

email_on_due_date I have considered following points. 我考虑了以下几点。

  • There should be an alert only and system should not automatically send mails without review. 仅应有一个警报,系统不应自动发送邮件而不进行审查。 Many times worksheet events give unexpected results as such caution is required here. 很多情况下,工作表事件会产生意外的结果,因为此处需要特别注意。
  • To provide latest status I have entered following formula in F2 cell which will be "YES" or "NO" depending upon date in D2 cell and E2 status. 为了提供最新状态,我在F2单元格中输入了以下公式,根据D2单元格中的日期和E2状态,该公式将为"YES""NO"
  • For worksheet event to work properly a Cell in Column G has to be clicked. 为了使工作表事件正常运行,必须单击Column G的单元格。 I have added a form control button in cell G2 . 我在单元格G2添加了一个表单控制按钮。 When status is yes click the button in G2 to send the mail. 当状态为是时,单击G2的按钮发送邮件。
  • Now Insert a module in the workbook in VBE and put the code of Sendmail in that module. 现在,在VBE的工作簿中插入一个模块,并将Sendmail的代码放入该模块中。
  • Subject is in cell F1 , body of message apart from general salutations is in cell B1 , Name of the recipient is in cell C2 主题位于单元格F1 ,除了一般称呼之外,消息正文位于单元格B1 ,收件人的名称位于单元格C2

     Sub Sendmail() ' Display a message when one of the designated cells has been ' changed. ' Place your code here. Dim answer As String Dim SubmitLink As String Dim KeyCells As Range Set KeyCells = Range("F2:F100") SubmitLink = Range("B1").Value answer = MsgBox("Do you wish to save this change. An Email will be sent to the User", vbYesNo, "Save the change") If answer = vbNo Then Cancel = True If answer = vbYes Then Application.EnableEvents = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'open outlook type stuff Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OlObjects = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set newmsg = OutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) On Error Resume Next 'add recipients 'newmsg.Recipients.Add ("Name Here") newmsg.Recipients.Add Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C2").Value 'add subject newmsg.Subject = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("F1").Value 'add body newmsg.Body = "Dear Customer, " & SubmitLink & vbLf & vbLf & vbLf & " Look Forward to your confirmation" & vbLf & vbLf & vbLf & "Sincerely," & vbLf & "Customer Care department" newmsg.Display 'display newmsg.Send 'send message 'give conformation of sent message MsgBox "Modification confirmed", , "Confirmation" End If ' MsgBox "Cell " & Target.Address & " has changed." On Error GoTo 0 Set newmsg = Nothing Set OutlookApp =Nothing End Sub 

EDIT : OP comments location of codes shown in snap shots 编辑:OP注释快照中显示的代码位置

工作表变化 模块位置

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