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[英]SQL - Joining 3 table query

Good day everyone, 今天是个好日子,

This is my first post on stackoverflow. 这是我关于stackoverflow的第一篇文章。 Honestly, the community is great and full of knowledge. 老实说,社区很棒,知识渊博。 I usually get on it but never made any posts until today I decided to register an account. 我通常会上它,但是直到今天我决定注册一个帐户之前,我从未发表过任何帖子。 I need the knowledge of this amazing community for a small quick join query. 我需要这个惊人社区的知识,可以进行小型快速加入查询。

For some odd reason I am not able to get it to work. 由于某些奇怪的原因,我无法使其正常工作。

Here is the relationship table: 这是关系表:


What I am trying to output (In this example I will use userID 10): 我要输出的内容(在此示例中,我将使用用户ID 10):

Display tweet from the Tweet table of all the user the userID 10 follows (including the userID 10 itself) 显示用户ID 10遵循的所有用户的推文表中的推文(包括用户ID 10本身)

In other words: Assume userID 10 is called Bob and Bob follows Bell and Rogers. 换句话说:假设用户ID 10被称为Bob,而Bob紧随Bell和Rogers。

So I'd like to output the tweet of Bob, and everyone Bob follows: Bell and Rogers 所以我想输出Bob的推文,每个Bob都会关注:Bell和Rogers

Thank you in advance for your help and time :) 预先感谢您的帮助和时间:)

EDIT: 编辑:

My apologies! 我很抱歉! Here is the sample data: 这是示例数据:

Sample Data 样本数据


Thank you once again :) 再一次感谢你 :)

Without sample data it's hard to be certain but this query should work. 没有示例数据,很难确定,但是此查询应该可以工作。 It selects all tweets from the table which match a userID (1) or anyone who that user is following: 它从表中选择与userID(1)或该用户关注的任何人匹配的所有推文:

FROM User u
JOIN Follow f ON f.follower = u.userID
LEFT JOIN Tweet t ON t.userID = u.userID OR t.userID = f.following
WHERE u.userID = 1

Output (for your sample data) 输出(用于样本数据)

tweetID     userID  tweet
1           1       Hello
2           4       Hey
3           1       Hi Folks!
6           4       Something
7           3       Heya!

Demo on dbfiddle dbfiddle上的演示

This will select tweet text of the user 10 and anyone he follows. 这将选择用户10和他关注的任何人的推文。 Note that you need to put ID on 2 places. 请注意,您需要在2个地方放置ID。

SELECT t.userID, t.tweet FROM Tweet t
(SELECT following FROM Follow WHERE follower=10) uf
ON t.userID=uf.following
SELECT ut.userID, ut.tweet FROM Tweet ut
WHERE ut.userID=10

output (userID, tweet): 输出(用户ID,tweet):

3   tweet2
2   tweet3
1   tweet1

This should work: 这应该工作:

select t.tweet
from tweet t inner join  
                  (select b.userid,a.following
                   from follow a inner join users b
                   on a.follower = b.userid) u 
on t.userid = u.following
where u.userid = 1 or t.userid = 1
order by t.date,tweet

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