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QML 添加两个输入并返回结果

[英]QML adding two inputs and returning result

I have a QML file, by V-Play (aka Felgo):我有一个 QML 文件,由 V-Play(又名 Felgo)提供:

import VPlayApps 1.0
import QtQuick 2.0

App {
    id: app
    // You get free licenseKeys from https://v-play.net/licenseKey
    // With a licenseKey you can:
    //  * Publish your games & apps for the app stores
    //  * Remove the V-Play Splash Screen or set a custom one (available with the Pro Licenses)
    //  * Add plugins to monetize, analyze & improve your apps (available with the Pro Licenses)
    //licenseKey: "<generate one from https://v-play.net/licenseKey>"

    NavigationStack {

        Page {
            title: qsTr("My page")


        AppTextField {
            id: appTextField
            x: 0
            y: 329
            width: 256
            height: 19
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            placeholderText: qsTr('Enter a Number')

        AppTextField {
            id: appTextField1
            x: 0
            y: 329
            width: 256
            height: 19
            anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 50
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            placeholderText: qsTr('Enter a Number')
        TextEdit {
            id: text1
            x: 0
            y: 620
            width: 24
            height: 20
            text: qsTr('A')
            font.pixelSize: 30
            anchors.horizontalCenter: appTextField1.horizontalCenter

        AppButton {
            id: button
            x: 0
            y: 575
            width: 24
            height: 20
            text: qsTr("Click me please!")
            anchors.horizontalCenter: appTextField1.horizontalCenter
            enabled: true
            onClicked: {
                text1.text=qsTr('Sum: '+(appTextField.text+appTextField1.text))


Which as expected returns my desired window, but now i want it to:正如预期的那样返回我想要的窗口,但现在我希望它:

  • Add the two inputs up after click of a button单击按钮后将两个输入相加

  • And display it on the TextEdit并将其显示在TextEdit

I did my code, but it didn't work,我做了我的代码,但它不起作用,

I know you can create functions, but i don't know how to do what i want.我知道你可以创建函数,但我不知道如何做我想做的。

I tried the code above as you see.如您所见,我尝试了上面的代码。

The input in your TextEdit is considered as String. TextEdit的输入被视为字符串。 You have to convert it into numbers:您必须将其转换为数字:

onClicked: {
  const v1 = parseInt(appTextField.text)
  const v2 = parseInt(appTextField1.text)
  text1.text=qsTr('Sum: ' + ( v1 + v2))

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