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[英]Trouble getting result of PowerShell command in C#

Pretty new to C# and I'm trying to write a simple tool that checks specific Roles and Features on a server and displays whether they are installed or not. 对于C#来说还很陌生,我正在尝试编写一个简单的工具来检查服务器上的特定角色和功能,并显示是否已安装。 Simple! 简单!

The problem is that I can't for the life of me figure out how to capture the Installed State value of this Powershell command (formatted in C# string): 问题是我一生都无法弄清楚如何捕获此Powershell命令(以C#字符串格式)的Installed State值:

"Get-WindowsFeature | ? {$_.Name -match \"Web-Mgmt-Console\"} | Select -exp Installed State"

The command itself runs in Powershell (when the \\ are removed) and just returns "false". 该命令本身在Powershell中运行(删除\\时),并且仅返回“ false”。 My code tries to capture this result. 我的代码尝试捕获此结果。

cmd = "Get-WindowsFeature | ? {$_.Name -match \""+winFeatures[i]+
                            "\"} | Select -exp Installed State";
cmdout = ps.AddScript(cmd).Invoke().ToString();

Instead of the Installed State, the value in VS of cmdout shows as "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection1[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]" , which, cool I guess. 代替“安装状态”,cmdout的VS中的值显示为"System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection1[System.Management.Automation.PSObject]" ,这很酷。 I understand that .Invoke() will return a collection, so the .ToString() is supposed to take the result ("True" or "False" and return it to cmdout as a string. 我知道.Invoke()将返回一个集合,因此.ToString()应该采用结果(“ True”或“ False”,并将其作为字符串返回给cmdout)。

What am I missing here? 我在这里想念什么? It's amazing that Powershell can be so easy in the shell but so difficult in C# . 令人惊奇的是,Powershell在shell中如此简单,而在C#却如此困难。 I've been searching and reading for 2 days now and haven't been able to figure this out. 我已经搜寻和阅读2天了,还没弄清楚。

After invoking you need to try to get the output value using its variable name as below: ps.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("counter"). 调用后,您需要尝试使用其变量名来获取输出值,如下所示:ps.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable(“ counter”)。

You need to check the variable name of your result. 您需要检查结果的变量名称。

Or else you can do like below since the result will be a collection of PSObject 否则您可以像下面这样进行操作,因为结果将是PSObject的集合

 foreach (PSObject result in ps.Invoke())
    MessageBox.Show(result.BaseObject.ToString() + "\n");   

How about just getting the value string directly vs a collection and trying to coerce a sting in the cmd... 只是直接获取值字符串与集合并尝试强制cmd中的字符串怎么办...

(Get-WindowsFeature | ? {$_.Name -match 'Web-Mgmt-Console'})

Display Name                                            Name                       Install State
------------                                            ----                       -------------
        [X] IIS Management Console                      Web-Mgmt-Console               Installed

(Get-WindowsFeature | ? {$_.Name -match 'Web-Mgmt-Console'}) | Get-Member

   TypeName: Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.Feature

Name                      MemberType Definition                                                                                                            
----                      ---------- ----------                                                                                                            
Equals                    Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj), bool IEquatable[Feature].Equals(Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.Feature ot...
GetHashCode               Method     int GetHashCode()                                                                                                     
GetType                   Method     type GetType()                                                                                                        
SetProperties             Method     void SetProperties(string displayName, string description, bool installed, Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands...
ToString                  Method     string ToString()                                                                                                     
AdditionalInfo            Property   hashtable AdditionalInfo {get;}                                                                                       
BestPracticesModelId      Property   string BestPracticesModelId {get;}                                                                                    
DependsOn                 Property   string[] DependsOn {get;}                                                                                             
Depth                     Property   int Depth {get;}                                                                                                      
Description               Property   string Description {get;}                                                                                             
DisplayName               Property   string DisplayName {get;}                                                                                             
EventQuery                Property   string EventQuery {get;}                                                                                              
FeatureType               Property   string FeatureType {get;}                                                                                             
Installed                 Property   bool Installed {get;}                                                                                                 
InstallState              Property   Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.InstallState InstallState {get;}                                             
Name                      Property   string Name {get;}                                                                                                    
Notification              Property   Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.ServerComponentManager.Internal.Notification[] Notification {get;}                    
Parent                    Property   string Parent {get;}                                                                                                  
Path                      Property   string Path {get;}                                                                                                    
PostConfigurationNeeded   Property   bool PostConfigurationNeeded {get;}                                                                                   
ServerComponentDescriptor Property   psobject ServerComponentDescriptor {get;}                                                                             
SubFeatures               Property   string[] SubFeatures {get;}                                                                                           
SystemService             Property   string[] SystemService {get;}                                                                                         

(Get-WindowsFeature | ? {$_.Name -match 'Web-Mgmt-Console'}).Installed

(Get-WindowsFeature | ? {$_.Name -match 'Web-Mgmt-Console'}).InstallState

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