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如何使用 javascript 承诺使一个函数等待另一个函数异步完成运行?

[英]How can I use a javascript promise to make one function wait for another to finish running asynchronously?

// BEFORE CALLING populateFsPhotoRequestURLs
// must use async, not sync to meet assignment requirements.

let populateVenueIDs = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  for (let y = 0; y < window.coffeeShopLocations().length; y++) {
    let getVenueIDFromFS = new XMLHttpRequest();
    getVenueIDFromFS.open('GET', window.fsURL[y]);
    getVenueIDFromFS.onload = function() {
      let responseFromFS = JSON.parse(getVenueIDFromFS.responseText);
      window.fsVenueID[y] = responseFromFS.response.venues[0].id;

function populateFsPhotoRequestURLs() {
  for (let y = 0; y < window.coffeeShopLocations().length; y++) {
    window.fsPhotoEndpoint[y] = 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/'
      + window.fsVenueID[y] + '/photos';
    window.fsPhotoRequestURL[y] = fsPhotoEndpoint + '?' + fsPhotoParams;


It is still not waiting for populateVenueIDs before running populateFsPotoRequestURLs.在运行 populateFsPotoRequestURLs 之前,它仍然不会等待 populateVenueIDs。

I have also tried variants of await, promise, and then.我还尝试了 await、promise 和 then 的变体。 I have read about 15 tutorials about those topics, but none are close enough to do what I want.我已经阅读了大约 15 个关于这些主题的教程,但没有一个足够接近我想要的。 I don't want to use a timeout (which 90% of tutorials use) because that would unnecessarily slow down the application.我不想使用超时(90% 的教程都使用),因为这会不必要地减慢应用程序的速度。 I have to use async to meet the assignment requirements.我必须使用 async 来满足分配要求。 Please help me connect the dots to apply a promise and/or await/then that will apply in this situation.请帮助我将这些点联系起来以应用在这种情况下适用的承诺和/或等待/然后。

Your populateVenueIDs function just resolves to done without waiting for the onload functions to be called.您的populateVenueIDs函数只是解析为 done 而不等待onload函数。 If you can, fetch would be a nice alternative because it returns promises but that isn't supported in IE.如果可以, fetch将是一个不错的选择,因为它返回承诺,但 IE 不支持。

What you can do, is create a promise for each iteration of your loop and use Promise.all(arrayOfPromises) to wait for all requests.您可以做的是为循环的每次迭代创建一个承诺,并使用Promise.all(arrayOfPromises)等待所有请求。 This will even execute all XMLHttpRequest in parallel!这甚至会并行执行所有XMLHttpRequest

Example code:示例代码:

let populateVenueIDs = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    let promises = [];

    for (let y = 0; y < window.coffeeShopLocations().length; y++) {
        promises.push(new Promise(function (resolve) {
            let getVenueIDFromFS = new XMLHttpRequest();
            getVenueIDFromFS.open('GET', window.fsURL[y]);
            getVenueIDFromFS.onload = function() {
                let responseFromFS = JSON.parse(getVenueIDFromFS.responseText);
                window.fsVenueID[y] = responseFromFS.response.venues[0].id;

    return Promise.all(promises)
        .then(function () {

Fetch Solution获取解决方案

As you've said this is an assignment, you probably can use ES6 with async and await so this would be a fancy solution:正如您所说,这是一项任务,您可能可以将 ES6 与asyncawait一起使用,因此这将是一个不错的解决方案:

async function populateVenueIDs() {

    let promises = [];

    for (let y = 0; y < window.coffeeShopLocations().length; y++) {
        promises.push(new Promise(async resolve => {
            const response = await fetch(window.fsURL[y]);
            const data = await response.json();
            window.fsVenueID[y] = data.venues[0].id;

    await Promise.all(promises);

While I feel strongly that @JensV had the right answer, and I said so in my comment, I just wanted to follow up on what your code might look like if you used fetch (I only included the relevant piece of JensV's answer.虽然我强烈认为@JensV 有正确的答案,并且我在评论中这么说,但我只是想跟进一下,如果您使用 fetch,您的代码可能会是什么样子(我只包含了 JensV 的答案的相关部分。

var promises = [];

for (let y = 0; y < window.coffeeShopLocations().length; y++) {
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
        window.fsVenueID[y] = data.response.venues[0].id;

EDIT: For posterity's sake I posted this before Jens added his fetch solution :)编辑:为了后人的缘故,我在 Jens 添加他的 fetch 解决方案之前发布了这个:)


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