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无法使用 boto3 从 DynamoDB StringSet 中删除项目

[英]Unable to delete item from DynamoDB StringSet with boto3

I have a table that contains an attribute of type StringSet.我有一个包含 StringSet 类型属性的表。 The attributes name is allDevices .属性名称是allDevices I am trying to remove a device id from the StringSet.我正在尝试从 StringSet 中删除设备 ID。 However, when I run the below code, it does not remove the string from the StringSet.但是,当我运行以下代码时,它不会从 StringSet 中删除字符串。 It also does not throw any error.它也不会抛出任何错误。 When attempting to remove deviceID fakeID1 response is :当尝试删除 deviceID fakeID1响应是:

 {'Attributes': {'allDevices': {'fakeID1', 'fakeID2'}}, 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '<removed>', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'server': 'Server', 'date': 'Fri, 22 Feb 2019 09:04:52 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0', 'content-length': '93', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': '<removed>', 'x-amz-crc32': '<removed>'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}}

How do I get DynamoDB to remove a string from the StringSet?如何让 DynamoDB 从 StringSet 中删除字符串?

Python Code:蟒蛇代码:

 dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='us-east-1') table = dynamodb.Table('sniffer-users') try: response = table.update_item( Key={ 'username': user, }, UpdateExpression="DELETE allDevices :s", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':s': set(deviceID), }, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW" ) print(response) except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) return -9

Things I have tried:我尝试过的事情:

  • Removing set() from around deviceID从 deviceID 周围删除set()
  • Banging my head against a wall, begging & pleading头撞墙,乞求恳求
  • Explicitly setting fakeID1 to make it read ':s': set('fakeID1'),显式设置fakeID1使其读取':s': set('fakeID1'),
  • Using the syntax ':s': {'SS': [oldDeviceID]},使用语法':s': {'SS': [oldDeviceID]},
  • Quadruple checking that allDevices is the same in code as on DDB四重检查allDevices的代码与 DDB 上的相同
  • Adding something to allDevices - this works flawlesslyallDevices添加一些东西 - 这完美无缺
  • Changing runtime from Python 3.7 to Python 2.7将运行时从 Python 3.7 更改为 Python 2.7

You just need to make a minor modification to your ExpressionAttributeValues.您只需要对您的 ExpressionAttributeValues 稍作修改。 To convert a single string into a set, you must first make it a list.要将单个字符串转换为集合,您必须首先将其设为列表。

    ':s': set([deviceID]),

Notice the difference below between putting your variable inside [] to make it list and not doing so.请注意以下将变量放入 [] 以使其列出与不这样做之间的区别。

>>> deviceID = "WB529"
>>> set(deviceID)
set(['9', '2', 'B', '5', 'W'])
>>> set([deviceID])

This delete operation will indicate it is successful and return "updated" attributes even if no changes have been made.即使没有进行任何更改,此删除操作也将表明它成功并返回“已更新”属性。 I have some really similar code;我有一些非常相似的代码; it is impossible to tell from the response if you removed an element from the stringset or if it was never there to begin with.从响应中无法判断您是否从字符串集中删除了一个元素,或者它是否从一开始就不存在。

I haven't tried it, but I believe that adding a ConditionExpression will give you that feedback (the operation will either succeed or will throw an exception).我还没有尝试过,但我相信添加 ConditionExpression 会给你反馈(操作要么成功,要么抛出异常)。

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