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[英]Sequential execution of functions with node-telegram-bot-api

When I try to send information about my Age it is asking my Gen and then my height. 当我尝试发送有关我的年龄的信息时,它询问的是我的Gen,然后是我的身高。 And if I'm writing my height it's asking my gen 2 times and 1 time my age. 如果我要写我的身高,那是我的年龄是我的2倍和1倍。 How to make it work like this: It should ask something. 如何使它像这样工作:它应该问一些问题。 then if I answer something and the answer is not good, it should ask this question again, if the answer is good it should ask new questions using the same algorithm. 然后,如果我回答了某件事,但回答不好,则应该再次询问该问题;如果回答是好的,则应使用相同的算法询问新问题。

let weight, height, age, dailyNorm, A, proteine, fat, glucide, gen;
let low=1.2, small=1.4, middle=1.6, big=1.7;

const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');
const token = '734206894:... '; 
const bot = new TelegramBot(token, {polling: true, 
                                       onlyFirstMatch:true, }); 

bot.onText(/\/start/, (msg) => { 
    bot.sendMessage(msg.chat.id,"Bot activated🤖" , { "reply_markup": { 
        "keyboard":[["Calculate🍎" ], ["Report🐞"]] 
    console.log (msg.text);

function dataGen(a){
    bot.sendMessage(a.chat.id,"Your gen(👦-m,👧-f)?"); console.log (1)
    bot.on("message", (msg) => { 
     if (msg.text=="m"){ gen="m"; dataAge(msg);}  
     else if (msg.text=="f"){ gen="f"; dataAge(msg);} 
     else { dataGen(msg);} 
     console.log (2)

function dataAge(b){
    bot.sendMessage(b.chat.id,"Your age👶?");

For sending Sequential Question: 发送顺序问题:

var answerCallbacks = {};

bot.on('message', function (message) {
    var callback = answerCallbacks[message.chat.id];
    if (callback) {
        delete answerCallbacks[message.chat.id];
        return callback(message);

bot.onText(/questions/, function (message,match) {
    bot.sendMessage(message.chat.id, "Enter your name").then(function () {
        answerCallbacks[message.chat.id] = function (answer) {
            var name = answer.text;
            bot.sendMessage(message.chat.id, "Enter your address").then(function () {
                answerCallbacks[message.chat.id] = function (answer) {
                    var address = answer.text;
                    bot.sendMessage(message.chat.id, "Enter your phone ").then(function () {
                        answerCallbacks[message.chat.id] = function (answer) {
                            var phone = answer.text;
                            bot.sendMessage(message.chat.id, name + address + phone + " saved!");

Or as a function: 或作为功能:

const answerCallbacks = {};

bot.on("message", function(msg) {
  const callback = answerCallbacks[msg.chat.id];
  if (callback) {
    delete answerCallbacks[msg.chat.id];
    return callback(msg);

const askQuestion = async (chatId, question) => {
  await bot.sendMessage(chatId, question);
  return new Promise(fullfill => {
    answerCallbacks[chatId] = msg => {
      if (msg.text[0] !== "/") {

You can then simply use: 然后,您可以简单地使用:

const answer = await askQuestion(chatId, 'Tell me something good!')

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