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C++ 从文件中读取 fstream 数据不会返回正确的值。 inputFile.tellg 返回 -1

[英]C++ Reading fstream data from a file does not return correct values. inputFile.tellg returns -1

I am trying to read data from an input file that contains an integer on the first line ( represents the number of images listed in the file ), a float on the second line( this is used for other calculations within the main program ) and float values on each subsequent line that end with a name of an image file all in the same data.txt file.我试图从一个输入文件中读取数据,该文件的第一行包含一个整数(表示文件中列出的图像数量),第二行包含一个浮点数(用于主程序中的其他计算)和浮点数以图像文件名结尾的每一行的值都在同一个 data.txt 文件中。 The last line of the data.txt file contains a brief description of what the data is used for but is not read by the program. data.txt 文件的最后一行包含对数据的用途的简要说明,但程序不读取该数据。 When I try to read the data and print it out to the screen the values are incorrect.当我尝试读取数据并将其打印到屏幕上时,这些值不正确。 The first line of the data.txt file is a 5 but when I print it out I get a 0 which is what I initialized it to. data.txt 文件的第一行是 5,但是当我打印出来时,我得到了一个 0,这是我将它初始化的。 The second line is a float value I believe and that is also output as a 0 which is what it is initialized to also.我相信第二行是一个浮点值,它也输出为 0,这也是它被初始化的。 The rest of the data is read in by a while loop with only parts of the data being printed out but nothing prints.其余数据由 while 循环读入,仅打印出部分数据但不打印任何数据。 I inserted a cout << inputFile.tellg << endl;我插入了一个 cout << inputFile.tellg << endl; statement to see where the file pointer is pointing to but it is returning -1.语句以查看文件指针指向的位置,但它返回 -1。 I am totally stuck on this.我完全坚持这一点。 Any insight would greatly be appreciated.任何见解将不胜感激。 Thank you for your time and expertise.感谢您的时间和专业知识。

Please find attached a sample copy of the data.txt file as well as the main.cpp file.请在附件中找到 data.txt 文件和 main.cpp 文件的样本副本。


 4.4960e+11  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  4.9800e+04  5.9740e+24       cat.gif
 3.2790e+11  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  3.4100e+04  6.4190e+23       dog.gif
 2.7900e+10  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  7.7900e+04  3.3020e+23     mouse.gif
 0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  6.0000e+00  1.9890e+30  squirrel.gif
 5.0820e+11  0.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  7.5000e+04  4.8690e+24       fox.gif

This file contains an example of data stored in a text file 


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

int main( int argc, char* argv[ ] )
      float xPosition, yPosition;
      float xVelocity, yVelocity;
      float animalMass;
      string imgFilename;
      string line;
      istringstream inputStream( line );
      auto N = 0;   // Number of items
      auto R = 0; // Real number from file

  cout << "begin" << endl;
  if( argc > 1 )
    string fileName = argv[ 1 ];
    ifstream inputFile( fileName );
    inputFile.open( fileName, ios::in );

    if( !inputFile.is_open( ))
      cout << setw( 5 ) << " " << "Could not open file " << fileName << "." << endl;
      cout << setw( 5 ) << " " << "Terminating program." << endl;
      exit( 1 );
      cout << inputFile.tellg() << endl;
      inputFile >> N;
      inputFile >> R;
      cout << "N is now " << N << endl;
      cout << "R is now " << R << endl;
      cout << inputFile.tellg() << endl;

      while( inputFile >> xPosition >> yPosition
                       >> xVelocity >> yVelocity
                       >> animalMass   >> imgFilename )
        cout << xPosition << " " << imgFilename << endl;

OUTPUT as follows:输出如下:

os:~/Desktop/test$ ./main data.txt os:~/Desktop/test$ ./main data.txt


-1 -1

N is now 0 N 现在是 0

R is now 0 R 现在是 0

-1 -1

At a minimum I would expect N to be 5 since I may have the type wrong for R or maybe more calculations are required once the data is read, I am not sure.至少我希望 N 为 5,因为我可能对 R 的类型有误,或者一旦读取数据可能需要更多的计算,我不确定。 I just don't get why the file pointer is showing it is at location -1.我只是不明白为什么文件指针显示它在位置 -1。

The problem is most likely caused by the declaration of R .问题很可能是由R的声明引起的。

auto R = 0;

The above declaration makes R an int , not a double or float .上面的声明使R成为int ,而不是doublefloat


double R = 0;

You could use你可以用

auto R = 0.0;

but I don't recommend it.但我不推荐它。 Use of auto makes sense when the type is long winded and cumbersome to type.当类型冗长且输入繁琐时,使用auto是有意义的。 For simple types, as above, it is better to be explicit.对于简单类型,如上所述,最好是显式的。

If you need to use float for R , use如果您需要为R使用float ,请使用

float R = 0;

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