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无法获取我的ajax“添加到购物车局部”功能以在ASP.NET MVC中工作

[英]Can't GET my ajax “add to Cart Partial” function to work in ASP.NET MVC

I'm looking to call an ajax function to add to my cart partial I have made however it doesn't seem to be working. 我想调用ajax函数以将添加到我的购物车中的部分内容添加到购物车中,但它似乎无法正常工作。 I think the product Id isn't being linked to it for some reason. 我认为产品ID由于某种原因未与其链接。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

 <div class="addtocart">
            <a href="#" class="addtocart">Add to cart</a>

            <span class="ajaxmsg">The product has been added to your cart. </span>
$(function () {

* Add to cart

$("a.addtocart").click(function (e) {


    var url = "/cart/AddToCartPartial";

    $.get(url, { id: @Model.Id }, function (data) {
    }).done(function () {
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 1000);


I have found a solution but When I use this link it works but it takes to an addtocartpartial which I don't want. 我找到了一个解决方案,但是当我使用此链接时,它可以工作,但需要添加到我不想要的addtocartpartial中。

@Html.ActionLink("Test", "AddtoCartPartial", "Cart", new { id = Model.Id }, new { @class = "addtocart" })

Is there another way of calling the ajax script or a way of avoiding the link to taking me to the addtocartpartial page on select? 还有另一种方法来调用ajax脚本,或者避免链接到select上的addtocartpartial页面的链接吗?

My controller for addtocartpartial is: 我的addtocartpartial控制器是:

   public ActionResult AddToCartPartial(int id)
        // Init CartVM list
        List<CartVM> cart = Session["cart"] as List<CartVM> ?? new List<CartVM>();

        // Init CartVM
        CartVM model = new CartVM();

        using (Db db = new Db())
            // Get the product
            ProductDTO product = db.Products.Find(id);

            // Check if the product is already in cart
            var productInCart = cart.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductId == id);

            // If not, add new
            if (productInCart == null)
                cart.Add(new CartVM()
                    ProductId = product.Id,
                    ProductName = product.Name,
                    Quantity = 1,
                    Price = product.Price,
                    Image = product.ImageName
                // If it is, increment

        // Get total qty and price and add to model

        int qty = 0;
        decimal price = 0m;

        foreach (var item in cart)
            qty += item.Quantity;
            price += item.Quantity * item.Price;

        model.Quantity = qty;
        model.Price = price;

        // Save cart back to session
        Session["cart"] = cart;

        // Return partial view with model
        return PartialView(model);

You may have a default route set for id parameters. 您可能为id参数设置了默认路由。 In that case you could append the value to the url in the format controller/action/{id} , and remove the parameters from the $.get . 在这种情况下,您可以将值附加到格式为controller/action/{id}的url中,并从$.get删除参数。 The code below may work for you: 以下代码可能适用于您:

var url = "/cart/AddToCartPartial/" + "@Model.Id";

$.get(url, function (data) {
}).done(function () {
    // ... other code

Or you could try appending the id using query parameter style: 或者,您可以尝试使用查询参数样式附加id

var url = "/cart/AddToCartPartial?id=" + "@Model.Id";

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