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使用C ++ 17功能可以更好地删除容器中的所有指针

[英]Use C++17 features to better delete all pointers from a container

Before C++17, deleting all pointers from a map looked like: 在C ++ 17之前,从映射中删除所有指针看起来像:

for (TMapBuffOnAttrs::iterator it = m_map_buff_on_attrs.begin();  it != m_map_buff_on_attrs.end(); it++)
    if (NULL != it->second)

With C++17, we got: 使用C ++ 17,我们得到:

for (auto it = m_map_buff_on_attrs.begin();  it != m_map_buff_on_attrs.end(); it++)
    if (NULL != it->second)

Is there a simpler solution? 有没有更简单的解决方案?

Yes. 是。

for (auto it = m_map_buff_on_attrs.begin();  it != m_map_buff_on_attrs.end(); it++)

Since you only use the value *it and no other data from that iterator, a for-range loop would be simpler. 由于只使用*it*it而没有该迭代器的其他数据,因此for-range循环会更简单。

if (NULL != it->second)

Deleting NULL is well-defined and has no effect, this is a test you can skip. 删除NULL是明确定义的,并且无效,这是您可以跳过的测试。

Which gives: 这使:

for (auto& p : m_map_buff_on_attrs) {
    delete p.second;

Manipulating raw pointers is error-prone and makes you write more useless code. 操纵原始指针容易出错,并使您编写更多无用的代码。 If m_map_buff_on_attrs were a map of smart pointers, your code would simply be: 如果m_map_buff_on_attrs是智能指针的映射,则您的代码将仅仅是:

} // m_map_buff_on_attrs goes out of scope and destroys and frees everything.

RAII pattern is your friend: RAII模式是您的朋友:

using TMapBuffOnAttrs = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Attr>>;

m_map_buff_on_attrs["attrName"] = std::make_unique<Attr>(x, a);

// loop is not needed, to delete just do:

You can use for_each with lambda function. 您可以将for_eachlambda函数一起使用。

Here is a way: 这是一种方法:

std::for_each(m_map_buff_on_attrs.begin(), m_map_buff_on_attrs.end(), 
              [](auto &item) {delete item.second;}); 

Yes, use smartpointers. 是的,请使用智能指针。 And simply 'clear()' the container... Otherwise this is just "C code written in C++17" 然后简单地'clear()'容器...否则,这仅仅是“用C ++ 17编写的C代码”

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