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[英]How to return the key corresponding to the maximum value in dictionary?

In this code I calculated the average score for each student and return it in a dictionary to create a dictionary with a two-dimensional array: 在这段代码中,我计算了每个学生的平均分数,并将其返回到字典中以创建带有二维数组的字典:

def bestAverage(inputDict):
    dic = {}
    for i in inputDict:
        if i[0] in dic.keys():
            dic[i[0]] = [int(i[1])]
    totle_score = 0
    for key, value, in dic.items():
        for c in value:
         totle_score += int(c)
        Q = len(value)
        avrage = totle_score / Q
        dic[key]= [avrage]


{'Diane': [35.0], 'Bion': [95.0], 'Jack': [125.0]}

NOW, how to return the name with the highest average score? 现在,如何返回平均分最高的名字?

dict = {'Diane': [35.0], 'Bion': [95.0], 'Jack': [125.0]}

highest_scorer = max(dict, key=dict.get)
highest_score = dict[highest_scorer]

Reference https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#max 参考https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#max

You can also try max(iterable) , but I prefer using max(iterable, *args) . 您也可以尝试max(iterable) ,但我更喜欢使用max(iterable, *args)

max_score = max(d.values())[0]
name_max = [k for k,v in d.items() if v[0]==max_score]
import operator
max(dic.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

you can also use 你也可以使用

max(dic, key=dic.get)

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