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[英]Props not being passed when using custom document for styled components

I'm trying to use styled components with next.js. 我正在尝试将样式化的组件与next.js一起使用。 I've added the babel plugin and added a custom _document.js . 我添加了babel插件并添加了自定义_document.js That all seems to be working fine. 一切似乎都正常。

However, when I try and use isomorphic-unfetch to getInitialProps into the page, the request returns data, but it doesn't make it into Props. 然而,当我尝试使用isomorphic-unfetchgetInitialProps到页面,请求返回数据,但它并没有使它成为道具。

For _document.js I'm using the code from the next.js site here and have also tried a slightly different version from here which I also saw on the next.js docs site at some point. 对于_document.js我使用从next.js网站的代码在这里和自己也尝试从一个稍微不同的版本, 在这里 ,我也看到了在某些时候next.js文档网站。

My test page looks like this (also from the next.js docs ): 我的测试页如下所示(也来自next.js docs ):

import styled from 'styled-components';
import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch';

export default class MyPage extends React.Component {
    static async getInitialProps({ req }) {
        const userAgent = req ? req.headers['user-agent'] : navigator.userAgent
        return { userAgent }

    render() {

            return (
                  Hello World {this.props.userAgent}

I also have an _app.js that looks like this: 我也有一个_app.js看起来像这样:

import App, { Container } from 'next/app';
import Page from '../components/Page';

class MyApp extends App {
  render() {
    const { Component } = this.props;

    return (
          <Component />

export default MyApp;

And Page.js just has some styled components and a theme with a component that looks like this: Page.js仅有一些样式化的组件以及一个主题,其主题如下所示:

class Page extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
                    <GlobalStyle />
                    <Meta />
                    <Header />

export default Page;

I feel like it's something to do with the new _document.js or _app.js not passing the props down somehow. 我觉得这与新的_document.js或_app.js没有以某种方式传递道具有关。

Clearly I'm pretty new to next.js, so apologies if it's something stupid. 显然,我是next.js的新手,如果这很愚蠢,我深表歉意。 In the meantime, I'll keep plugging away to get a better understanding of what's going on. 在此期间,我将不断插手以更好地了解正在发生的事情。 I wanted to ask in parallel here since I'm under some time pressure for this project. 我想在这里并行询问,因为我在这个项目上承受着一些时间压力。

Many thanks for any thoughts you might have. 非常感谢您的任何想法。

Not long after posting, I worked out the issue. 发布后不久,我就解决了这个问题。 I guess posting on SO helps to understand the issue. 我想在SO上发布有助于理解该问题。

Essentially it was _app.js which was the problem, not _document.js as I had initially expected. 本质上是问题是_app.js ,而不是我最初预期的_document.js

I needed to add pageProps to _app.js so that they were propagated down to the page: 我需要将pageProps添加到_app.js以便将它们传播到页面:

import App, { Container } from 'next/app';
import Page from '../components/Page';

class MyApp extends App {

  static async getInitialProps({ Component, ctx }) {
    let pageProps = {};
    if (Component.getInitialProps) {
      pageProps = await Component.getInitialProps(ctx);
    return { pageProps };

  render() {
    const { Component, pageProps } = this.props;

    return (
          <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;

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