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[英]Why can't I get a file from resources?

Why can't I get a file from resources?为什么我无法从资源中获取文件?

URL resource = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("input data/logic test.csv");
    System.out.println("Found "+resource);

    CSVParser parser = new CSVParserBuilder().withSeparator(';').build();
    CSVReader reader = new CSVReaderBuilder(new FileReader(resource.getFile())).withSkipLines(1).withCSVParser(parser).build();

Console output:控制台输出:

Found file:/home/alexandr/Repos/OTUS/first_home_work/target/classes/input%20data/logic%20test.csv 

Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/alexandr/Repos/OTUS/first_home_work/target/classes/input%20data/logic%20test.csv (Нет такого файла или каталога)

There is an inherent logic problem with this line:这一行存在一个固有的逻辑问题:

CSVReader reader = new CSVReaderBuilder(
    new FileReader(resource.getFile()))..

Once the CSV is part of a Jar, it will no longer be accessible as a File object.一旦 CSV 成为 Jar 的一部分,它将不再可作为File对象访问。 But something like this should work directly for the URL.但是这样的事情应该直接适用于 URL。

CSVReader reader = new CSVReaderBuilder(
    new InputStreamReader(resource.openStream()))..

change space for _ in directory name and file name, and working更改目录名和文件名中 _ 的空间,并工作

This will only work while the resource is not in a Jar file.这仅在资源不在Jar 文件中时有效。


try (InputStream raw = ClassThisIn.class.getResourceAsStream(""input data/logic test.csv")) {
    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(raw, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
    // now use br as if it was your filereader.

This addresses many issues:这解决了许多问题:

  1. Still works regardless of how you're running it: Your snippet only works if running as straight class files (vs., say, in a jar), and doesn't work if spaces are involved.无论您如何运行它仍然有效:您的代码段仅在作为直接类文件运行时才有效(例如,在 jar 中),如果涉及空格则无效。
  2. Still works even if your class is subclassed ( getClass().getClassLoader().getResource won't, which is why you should not do that).即使您的类是子类化仍然有效( getClass().getClassLoader().getResource不会,这就是为什么您不应该这样做)。
  3. Still works even if the platform local charset encoding is weird (the snippet in this answer is explicit about it. That's always a good idea).即使平台本地字符集编码很奇怪,它仍然有效(此答案中的片段对此很明确。这总是一个好主意)。
  4. Doesn't have a resource leak.没有资源泄漏。 Your code never safely closes the reader you open.您的代码永远不会安全地关闭您打开的阅读器。 If you open resources, either do so in a try-with-resources construct, or, store the resource in a field and implement AutoClosable.如果您打开资源,请在 try-with-resources 构造中执行此操作,或者将资源存储在字段中并实现 AutoClosable。

我在目录名和文件名中更改了 _ 的空间,然后工作.... omg。

The answer is in your console output - the file was simply not found.答案在您的控制台输出中 - 根本找不到该文件。 I would try the same code you have written, but use a file without spaces in it - and see if the file is still not found.我会尝试您编写的相同代码,但使用一个没有空格的文件 - 看看是否仍然找不到该文件。

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