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Elasticsearch 2.3 Nest 2 中 FuzzyMinimumSimilarity 的替代品是什么?

[英]What is the replacement for FuzzyMinimumSimilarity in Nest 2, Elasticsearch 2.3?

I'm upgrading to Nest 2 (elasticsearch 1.x to 2.3), but notice on breaking changes that FuzzyMinimumSimilarity and OnFieldsWithBoost are gone.我正在升级到 Nest 2(elasticsearch 1.x 到 2.3),但请注意 FuzzyMinimumSimilarity 和 OnFieldsWithBoost 的破坏性更改。 How should i replace this code below to Nest v2?我应该如何将下面的代码替换为 Nest v2?

new SearchDescriptor<T>().Type(searchTypes).Query(q =>q.QueryString(qs => qs.Query(fuzzy).FuzzyMinimumSimilarity(0.7)));

And for FuzzyMaxExpansions(0.7)而对于FuzzyMaxExpansions(0.7)

Here are the fuzziness options available on query_string query in NEST 2.x (use latest 2.5.8)以下是NEST 2.x 中query_string查询可用模糊选项(使用最新的 2.5.8)

var client = new ElasticClient();

var searchResponse = client.Search<MyDocument>(s => s
    .Query(q => q
        .QueryString(qs =>qs
            .Fields(f => f
                .Field(ff => ff.Name, 3)
                .Field(ff => ff.Content, 0.5)

which yields这产生

  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "fuzzy",
      "fuzzy_max_expansions": 2,
      "fuzziness": 3,
      "fuzzy_prefix_length": 4,
      "fields": [
      "fuzzy_rewrite": "top_terms_3"

Also take a look at the release blog post and breaking changes between 1.x and 2.x documentation另请查看发布博客文章1.x 和 2.x文档之间的重大更改

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