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[英]writing data in file using python

I am new in programming. 我是编程新手。 Just bought a book for beginners in Python . 刚用Python买了一本书给初学者。 In it I got this code: 在其中我得到了以下代码:

name = input("name")
email = input("whats ure email:) 
favoriteband = input("ure fav band") 
outputString = name + "|" email + "|" + favoriteband 
fileName = name + ".txt"
file = open(fileName, "wb") 
file.write (outputString) 
print (outputString , " saved in ", fileName) 
file.close ()

According to book its fine but I got this error: 根据书的罚款,但我得到这个错误:

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

I got no clue how to fix it and book isn't explaining this as well. 我不知道如何解决它,本书也没有对此进行解释。

Let's go through this: 让我们来看一下:

name = input("Your name: ")
email = input("Your email: ")

The close quotes are needed as has been pointed out. 正如已经指出的那样,需要用引号引起来。

outputString = name + "|" + email + "|" +  favoriteband 

outputString was missing a + before email outputStringemail前缺少+

Finally, we need to rewrite you file management: 最后,我们需要重写您的文件管理:

with open(fileName, "a") as file:
  file.write (outputString) 
  print (outputString , " saved in ", fileName) 

Writing this as a with statement guarantees it will close. 将其编写为with语句可确保将其关闭。 Using open(..., "a") opens the file in "append" mode and lets you write multiple strings to a file of the same name. 使用open(..., "a")以“追加”模式打开文件,并允许您将多个字符串写入同名文件。

Finally, if I can editorialize, I am not a fan of this book so far. 最后,如果我可以编辑的话,到目前为止,我还不喜欢这本书。

Edit: here is the whole code with fixes, in hopes of getting you there. 编辑:这是带有修复程序的整个代码,希望能带您到那里。

name = input("name")
email = input("whats ure email:") 
favoriteband = input("ure fav band") 
outputString = name + "|" + email + "|" +  favoriteband 
fileName = name + ".txt"
with open(fileName, "a") as file:
  file.write (outputString) 
  print (outputString , " saved in ", fileName) 

You can verify it works with: 您可以验证它可用于:

with open(fileName, "r") as file:

I did some editing (closing quotes and a missing + ): 我做了一些编辑(右引号和缺少的+ ):

name = input("name:")
email = input("whats ure email:")
favoriteband = input("ure fav band:")

outputString = name + " | " + email + " | " + favoriteband 
fileName = name + ".txt"
file = open(fileName, "w") #opened in write mode but not in binary
file.write (outputString) 
print (outputString , " saved in ", fileName) 

You're getting that error because you're writing in binary mode, hence the b in wb for 你得到的错误,因为你以二进制方式写入,因此bwb

file = open(fileName, "wb")

Try this instead : 试试这个代替:

file = open(fileName, "w")

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