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[英]Cannot understand call tree view of jprofiler

I am new to jprofiler and i am not able to understand what invocations means, 1)If one method is taking 1 invocation how come the each sub methods are taking more than 1 invocation? 我是jprofiler的新手,我无法理解调用的含义,1)如果一种方法正在执行1次调用,那么每个子方法将执行超过1次调用是怎么回事? 2)And the time is for per invocation or is it total time taken for total number of invocations? 2)时间是每次调用的时间,还是总调用次数用的总时间? 3)And in screenshot of my result what is the total %, for example one method is taking 21.6% so all the sub-methods should add up and they should be 21.6% but that is not the case here. 3)在我的结果的屏幕快照中 ,总百分比是多少,例如,一种方法占用了21.6%,因此所有子方法都应该加起来,应该是21.6%,但是这里不是这种情况。

It would be really helpful if someone can explain me the call tree view. 如果有人可以向我解释调用树视图,那将非常有帮助。

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

EDIT: 编辑:

1.In the image screenshot 2 i have highlighted the time 869s in 91 inv, i wanted to know how to find out time for 1 invocation because when i divide 869/91= 9.54 but when i check my logs that service is taking less than 1s. 1.在屏幕截图2中,我突出显示了91 inv中的869s时间,我想知道如何找出1次调用的时间,因为当我除以869/91 = 9.54时,但是当我检查日志时,该服务占用的时间少于1秒。 Can you please explain it to me? 你能给我解释一下吗?

1)If one method is taking 1 invocation how come the each sub methods are taking more than 1 invocation? 1)如果一个方法进行了1次调用,那么每个子方法又进行了1次以上的调用?

For example: Method A can be called once and it can call method B 10 times. 例如:方法A可以被调用一次,而方法B可以被调用10次。

2)And the time is for per invocation or is it total time taken for total number of invocations? 2)时间是每次调用的时间,还是总调用次数用的总时间?

It is the total time for all invocations. 它是所有调用的总时间。

3)And in screenshot of my resultwhat is the total %, for example one method is taking 21.6% so all the sub-methods should add up and they should be 21.6% but that is not the case here. 3)在我的结果的屏幕快照中,总百分比是多少,例如,一种方法占用了21.6%,因此所有子方法都应加起来,应该为21.6%,但这不是这种情况。

The remainder is "self-time". 其余的是“自学”。

See 看到

https://www.ej-technologies.com/resources/jprofiler/help/doc/#jprofiler.cpu https://www.ej-technologies.com/resources/jprofiler/help/doc/#jprofiler.cpu

for a detailed explanation. 详细说明。

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