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Postgresql pglogical 订阅已关闭

[英]Postgresql pglogical subscription is down

I want to setup logical replication between two postgresql 9.5 servers.我想在两台 postgresql 9.5 服务器之间设置逻辑复制。 I could make it work on two virtual pc-s but when I try to do it on our production machines the replication status is down (pglogical.show_replication_status()).我可以让它在两台虚拟 pc-s 上工作,但是当我尝试在我们的生产机器上这样做时,复制状态已关闭 (pglogical.show_replication_status())。

On our main server there is a lot of data (~250GB) so we can't really afford to delete it.在我们的主服务器上有很多数据(~250GB)所以我们真的不能删除它。 However I moved it to the replication storage server via pg_dump.但是我通过 pg_dump 将它移动到复制存储服务器。

Main production server:主生产服务器:

pg_hba.conf: pg_hba.conf:

local   all             postgres                                peer
local   all             all                                     md5
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
local   replication     all                                     trust
host    replication     all             127.0.01/32             trust
host    replication     all             ::1/128                 trust
host    all             all             all                     trust
host    replication     all             all                     trust

postgresql.conf: postgresql.conf:

data_directory = '/mnt/Data/fmeterdb/postgresql/9.5/main'       # use data in another directory
hba_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf'   # host-based authentication file
ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_ident.conf'   # ident configuration file
external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql/9.5-main.pid'          # write an extra PID file
listen_addresses = '*'      # what IP address(es) to listen on;
port = 5432             # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 1000          # (change requires restart)
unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql' # comma-separated list of directories
ssl = true              # (change requires restart)
ssl_cert_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem'      # (change requires restart)
ssl_key_file = '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key'     # (change requires restart)
shared_buffers = 1024MB         # min 128kB
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix  # the default is the first option
shared_preload_libraries = 'pglogical'  # (change requires restart)
max_worker_processes = 16
wal_level = logical         # minimal, archive, hot_standby, or logical
synchronous_commit = local      # synchronization level;
archive_mode = on       # enables archiving; off, on, or always
archive_command = 'cp %p /mnt/Data/fmeterdb/postgresql/9.5/main/archive/%f'     # command to use to archive a logfile segment
max_wal_senders = 16        # max number of walsender processes
wal_keep_segments = 300     # in logfile segments, 16MB each; 0 disables
max_replication_slots = 16  # max number of replication slots
track_commit_timestamp = on # collect timestamp of transaction commit
synchronous_standby_names = 'pgslave001'    # standby servers that provide sync rep
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p-%l] %q%u@%d '         # special values:
log_timezone = 'UTC'
stats_temp_directory = '/var/run/postgresql/9.5-main.pg_stat_tmp'
datestyle = 'iso, ymd'
timezone = 'UTC'
lc_messages = 'hu_HU.UTF-8'         # locale for system error message
lc_monetary = 'hu_HU.UTF-8'         # locale for monetary formatting
lc_numeric = 'hu_HU.UTF-8'          # locale for number formatting
lc_time = 'hu_HU.UTF-8'             # locale for time formatting
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.hungarian'

bash: bash:

createuser -s --replication -P khrh_replicator
    * Enter password for new role: qwe123
    * Enter it again: qwe123
createdb -O khrh_replicator khrh_replicator
psql --username=khrh_replicator
\c fmeter
create extension pglogical;
select pglogical.create_node( node_name := 'khrh_provider', dsn := 'host= port=5432 user=khrh_replicator dbname=fmeter' );
select pglogical.create_replication_set('khrh_replication_set');
select pglogical.replication_set_add_table( set_name := 'khrh_replication_set', relation := 'measure_results' synchronize_data := true ); 
select pglogical.replication_set_add_table( set_name := 'khrh_replication_set', relation := 'measure_runs' synchronize_data := true );
select pglogical.replication_set_add_table( set_name := 'khrh_replication_set', relation := 'measures' synchronize_data := true );       

I don't get any error after these commands.这些命令后我没有收到任何错误。

The steps I made on our storage server:我在我们的存储服务器上执行的步骤:

pg_hba.conf: pg_hba.conf:

local   all             postgres                                peer
local   all             all                                     md5
host    all             all               md5
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
local   replication     all                                     trust
host    replication     all               trust
host    replication     all             ::1/128                 trust
host    all             all             all                     trust
host    replication     all             all                     trust

postgresql.conf: postgresql.conf:

data_directory = '/mnt/Data/fmeterdb/postgresql/9.5/main'       # use data in another directory
hba_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf'   # host-based authentication file
ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_ident.conf'   # ident configuration file
external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql/9.5-main.pid'          # write an extra PID file
listen_addresses = 'localhost,,'        # what IP address(es) to listen on;
port = 5432             # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 1000          # (change requires restart)
unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql' # comma-separated list of directories
ssl = on
ssl_cert_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem'
ssl_key_file = '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key'
shared_buffers = 1024MB         # min 128kB
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix  # the default is the first option
shared_preload_libraries = 'pglogical'  # (change requires restart)
max_worker_processes = 16       # (change requires restart)
wal_level = logical         # minimal, replica, or logical
synchronous_commit = local      # synchronization level;
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'cp -i %p /mnt/Data/fmeterdb/postgresql/9.5/main/archive/%f'      # command to use to archive a logfile segment
max_wal_senders = 16        # max number of walsender processes
wal_keep_segments = 400
max_replication_slots = 16  # max number of replication slots
track_commit_timestamp = on # collect timestamp of transaction commit
synchronous_standby_names = 'pgslave001'    # standby servers that provide sync rep
hot_standby = on            # "off" disallows queries during recovery
log_line_prefix = '%m [%p] %q%u@%d '        # special values:
log_timezone = 'UTC'
cluster_name = '9.5/main'           # added to process titles if nonempty
stats_temp_directory = '/var/run/postgresql/9.5-main.pg_stat_tmp'
datestyle = 'iso, ymd'
timezone = 'UTC'
lc_messages = 'hu_HU.UTF-8'         # locale for system error message
lc_monetary = 'hu_HU.UTF-8'         # locale for monetary formatting
lc_numeric = 'hu_HU.UTF-8'          # locale for number formatting
lc_time = 'hu_HU.UTF-8'             # locale for time formatting
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.hungarian'
include_dir = 'conf.d'          # include files ending in '.conf' from

bash: bash:

createuser -s --replication -P khrh_replicator
    * Enter password for new role: qwe123
    * Enter it again: qwe123
createdb -O khrh_replicator khrh_replicator
psql --username=urh_replicator
create database fmeter_khrh;
\c fmeter_khrh
create extension pglogical;
select pglogical.create_node( node_name := 'khrh_subscriber', dsn := 'host= port=5432 dbname=fmeter_khrh user=khrh_replicator' );
select pglogical.create_subscription( subscription_name := 'khrh_subscription', replication_sets := array['khrh_replication_set'], provider_dsn := 'host= port=5432 dbname=fmeter user=khrh_replicator' );

I don't get any error after this either.在此之后我也没有收到任何错误。

Do somebody met with this, and how can I fix this?有人遇到过这个,我该如何解决?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

pglogical extension uses postgresql log to provide error messages. pgologic扩展使用postgresql日志来提供错误消息。 To get current replication status use this select * from pglogical.show_subscription_status(); 要获取当前的复制状态,请使用select * from pglogical.show_subscription_status();

Some tips for initial configuration can be found in this Depesz post https://www.depesz.com/2016/11/08/major-version-upgrading-with-minimal-downtime/ 可以在此Depesz帖子中找到一些初始配置的提示https://www.depesz.com/2016/11/08/major-version-upgrading-with-minimal-downtime/

Check your postgresql log files.检查您的 postgresql 日志文件。 Either follow the live logging or simply view the logs.要么关注实时日志记录,要么只是查看日志。 The logs will have the errors, and you will be able to debug accordingly.日志将有错误,您将能够相应地进行调试。 Further, one has to reset the subscriptions if the status is down.此外,如果状态下降,则必须重置订阅。 Check subscription: select * from pglogical.show_subscription_status();检查订阅: select * from pglogical.show_subscription_status(); If status is down, drop the subscription and recreate it.如果状态为 down,则删除订阅并重新创建它。

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