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[英]How do I import JSX into .tsx file (not in React)?

I am not using React . 没有使用React I am using Stenciljs . 我正在使用Stenciljs

I have the following .tsx file: 我有以下.tsx文件:

export class MyComponent {
  @Prop() message: string;

  render() {
    return (<div>{this.message}</div>);

I want to do this instead: 我想这样做:

import myTemplate from '../my-template.??';

export class MyComponent {
  @Prop() message: string;

  render() {
    return (myTemplate);

with ../my-template.?? ../my-template.?? containing: 含:


Is it possible and how ? 有可能吗? Thanks in advance for any help :) 在此先感谢您的帮助:)

Yes, you can absolutely do this, there are just a couple of things you need to tidy up: 是的,您绝对可以做到这一点,您需要整理几件事:

Main file 主文件

import { Template } from '../template'; // No need for file extension but we're using a named export so we need the curly braces around 'Template'

export class MyComponent {
  @Prop() message: string;

  render() {
    return ( // You don't technically need the parentheses here as you're just returning one thing
      <Template /> // When outputting an imported component, it goes in angle brackets and the backslash closes it like an HTML element

Template 模板

import React from 'react';  // template needs React

export const Template = () => { // defining the export in this way is known as a named export
  return (
    <p>A message here</p>

Okay, so that's going to get you a message output which is from your template. 好的,这将使您获得来自模板的消息输出。 However, you were asking about passing a message to that template for it to output. 但是,您在询问有关将消息传递该模板以使其输出的问题。 That's totally easy as well - you just need to get some props in there. 这也很容易-您只需要在那里放一些道具即可。 Here is the modified version of the above: 这是上述内容的修改版本:

Main file 主文件

import { Template } from '../template';

export class MyComponent {
  @Prop() message: string;

  render() {
    return (           
      <Template messageToOutput={message} /> // The first argument is the name of the prop, the second is the variable you defined above

Template 模板

import React from 'react';

export const Template = (props) => { // props are received here
  return (
    <p>{props.messageToOutput}</p> // props are used here

That's how you pass data around in React - hope that helps! 这就是您在React中传递数据的方式-希望能有所帮助!

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